Flight Reservation Spring Boot Mysql Project with Source Code

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Flight Reservation System is a Java Spring Boot, MySQL and Angular Project which runs on the tomcat server, you can also run this project in
Netbean and Spring Tool Suites (STS). We have developed this Java Spring Boot and Angular Project on Flight Reservation System for automating the process of Flight Reservation System. The main features of this project is to manage Ticket Booking, Passengar, Airline Enquiry, Booking
Enquiry, Airlines Booking and Passengar Reservation

Technology Overview: -

  • Sprint tool suites or Netbeans 12
  • JDK 1.8 : To run this project you have JDK 1.8 version
  • Tomcat 8 : This project runs over the tomcat 8 server
  • MySQL : You need mysql database for running this project
  • MySQL JConnector : For making the connection from mysql and java, we need it
  • Node Version 14 : For configuring angular project
  • Angular CLI : For running the angular project

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  5. Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. You buy the original files from the developers. We do not sell any products downloaded from other sites.
  6. You can download the product after the purchase by a direct link on this page.

Inventory Management System Java Mysql NetBeans Project with Source Code

This project helps us to access and manage the information easily. And also helps to verify the stock currently available with them and to update the stock when necessary.  This project reduce the time to search the product from the current available stock. The role of an inventory system is to track your products and supplies. Inventory management System.

Inventory Management System Project Java Features List.

  1. Supplier Login.
  2. Retailer Login Registration.
  3. Add Products.
  4. Sell Products.
  5. Search Products.
  6. Track Inventory.
  7. Return Products.
  8. Purchase Products.

Technology Used :

  1. Front end : Java Swing.
  2. Database :Mysql Database
  3. IDE Used : Netbeans 8.2 RC

How to run the Payroll System using Java source code

The following are the software that you’ll need in order for this program to run:

Step 1: You must have Java Development Kit Software. you can download the JDK in this website

Step 2: You must have Netbeans 8.2 .

Step 3: Install XAMPP

Step 4: Download the Source code below

Step 5: Setup the database

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Buy Now Project Report ₹501


Attendance Management System Java Mysql NetBeans IDE

Attendance management System is Java Swing project for tracking students attendance. Talking about the project, it contains an admin side and a user side where a user can view attendance. The admin plays an important role in the management of this system. In this project, the Admin user has to perform all the main functions from the admin side. This system is in NetBeans IDE and supports MySQL as backend.

Attendance Management System Features List :-

  1. Teacher  Login.
  2. Teacher  Register.
  3. Teacher add Students.
  4. Teacher edits Students.
  5. Teacher updates Students.
  6. Teacher add attendance.
  7. Teacher View attendance.
  8. Students Login
  9. Students Register
  10. User View attendance.

Technology Used :

  1. Front end : Java Swing.
  2. Database :Mysql Database
  3. IDE Used : Netbeans 8.2 RC

How to run the Payroll System using Java source code

The following are the software that you’ll need in order for this program to run:

Step 1: You must have Java Development Kit Software. you can download the JDK in this website

Step 2: You must have Netbeans 8.2 .

Step 3: Install XAMPP

Step 4: Download the Source code below

Step 5: Setup the database

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Payroll Management System Java Swing NetBeans IDE Mysql

Payroll Management System Project in Java Netbeans With Source Code is built fully in Java/MySQL Database. It has full-featured Graphical User Interface (GUI) with all the basic functionalities of a typical Payroll System used the company. With this  payroll management system in Java Netbeans IDE intended to help the company manage their employee payroll efficiently.

The employee payroll management system is a java project developed using NetBeans with backend MYSQL as the database. In this project, the user will find the login module appearing on the home page. The user has to enter the username and password in order to get logged into the system as the system administrator.

When the user gets logged in the system he can then do the following features:

  1. Add Update Delete Search
  2. Employees from the System
  3. Add Update Delete
  4. Salary details
  5. Add Update Delete
  6. Leave details
  7. Generate and Print Pay Slips
  8. Database file is also included
  9. GUI is done using Java Swing Framework

Technology Used :

  1. Front end : Java Swing.
  2. Database :Mysql Database
  3. IDE Used : Netbeans 8.2 RC

How to run the Payroll System using Java source code

The following are the software that you’ll need in order for this program to run:

Step 1: You must have Java Development Kit Software. you can download the JDK in this website

Step 2: You must have Netbeans 8.2 .

Step 3: Install XAMPP

Step 4: Download the Source code below

Step 5: Setup the database

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Buy Now Project Report ₹501


Student Counselling system Core Java, Swing, Netbeans

This is an Student Counseling System Java Swing. To run this project u need to install Netbeans with (java 1.8 ) recommended . Just  Download And run This Project uses File System as database.

Technology Used :

  1. Front end : Java Swing.
  2. Database : Sqlite Database
  3. IDE Used : Netbeans

Abstract of Student Counselling System

To ensure the quality teaching-learning process in Institutions, right from the entry of the student through competition, streamlining of admissions is one of the important parameters. With this view and to resolve the generic problems faced by the candidates, their parents, and state administration during Entrance test/counseling/admissions in all courses during admissions of student it is decided to be made based on the merit of entrance tests.

To bring in 100% transparency and to make the admissions highly cost-effective and to minimize the travel by the candidates and parents, The Student Counseling System is designed to enhance the counseling experience during the admission process. This system will provide great help not to the students but also to the parents who are there to invest money in children’s education.

The Student Counseling System is developing to improve the counseling, which fully works as online software. Through this system, the student will be able to report then register for the counseling as he is eligible after if the student is qualifying the criteria, then it will get the information regarding the colleges and the universities to which he can apply.

A student can also get information regarding how many seats have been booked and vacant seats available in the institution. This will help a student in selecting the branch in which they are interested and not what the colleges are offering. All this information will give in sort interval time to the student which speeds up the process reduce the institutes time.

This software is not only providing ease to the students but also helps the institution to manage their whole procedure of the counseling by minimizing the paperwork which decreases their carbon footprint on the environment and the time factor will also get minimized as all the process is happening online.

Project Features :-

  1. Student add , delete , edit.
  2. Student Subject Allotment.
  3. Student Branch Allotment.
  4. Student Counselling Result . 

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Text File Encryption Decryption Project in Java Netbeans

Encryption System : Encryption System is yet another learning time project developed in java, the idea about it came when I was studing Network Security in my class. And then and there I thought I should come up with something related to this. So thats how this Encryption System came into reality for me. Till now it support .txt and .java files only and later, I will be adding some more to it. What it does is, it simply takes an input file of any of the two above mentioned format and then convert it into some non-readable (cipher text) format, with some password, and this password is only known to sender and receiver. So in this way the sender will send the cipher text to the receiver using the public network and without taking any risk, as in the mean time if some unauthorized user will try to read or intercept it then he will not going to make out any sense out of those non readable cipher text contain. So at the receiver's end upon receiving the cipher text message he will use this Encryption System and the same password used by the sender, to decrypt it into the original format.

Features of Encryption System :

  1. GUI based file selection facility, to select the original file and the cipher text file.
  2. Facility to save the converted Cipher Text into your PC and then send that file to the receiver.
  3. Use any combination of password for encryption, but the same password has to be used while decrypting otherwise the decrypted contain will get altered by a huge margin, so any guessing of the password will not do the trick.
  4. Secure while transmitting over unsecure network like public network.
  5. 100 % accuracy, as the original file and the final decrypted file are same.
  6. Well tested.

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