Iris Flower Classification with Decision Trees Web App


To build a web application that can accurately classify Iris flower species based on their sepal and petal characteristics using a Decision Tree machine learning algorithm.

Dataset: The Iris flower dataset, which contains 150 samples of Iris flowers, each with measurements for sepal length, sepal width, petal length, and petal width. The dataset is labeled with the species of each flower: Iris setosa, Iris versicolor, and Iris virginica.


  1. Data Preprocessing: Load the dataset and split it into training and testing sets. Perform feature scaling to normalize the data.
  2. Decision Tree Model Building: Train a decision tree model on the training data using scikit-learn library. Tune the hyperparameters of the model to obtain the best performance.
  3. Web App Development: Use Flask web framework to create a web app that allows users to input the sepal and petal measurements of an Iris flower and displays the predicted species using the trained decision tree model.
  4. Model Interpretation: Interpret the decision tree to gain insights into which features are most important in classifying the Iris flower species.

Tools and Technologies:

  1. Python
  2. scikit-learn
  3. Flask
  4. HTML
  5. CSS
  6. pandas
  7. numpy
  8. matplotlib.


Decision Trees are a simple yet powerful machine learning algorithm for classification tasks. In this project, we have built a decision tree model to classify Iris flower species with high accuracy and developed a web application that allows users to interactively predict the species of an Iris flower based on its sepal and petal measurements. The web app can be used for real-world applications such as plant identification, environmental monitoring, and plant breeding.

Technology Used in the project :-

  1. We have developed this project using the below technology
  2. HTML : Page layout has been designed in HTML
  3. CSS : CSS has been used for all the desigining part
  4. JavaScript : All the validation task and animations has been developed by JavaScript
  5. Python : All the business logic has been implemented in Python
  6. Flask: Project has been developed over the Flask Framework

Supported Operating System :-

  1. We can configure this project on following operating system.
  2. Windows : This project can easily be configured on windows operating system. For running this project on Windows system, you will have to install
  3. Python 3.6.10, PIP, Django.
  4. Linux : We can run this project also on all versions of Linux operating systemMac : We can also easily configured this project on Mac operating system.

Installation Step : -

  1. python 3.6.8
  2. command 1 - python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  3. command 2 - python


Detecting Fraudulent Transactions using Random Forest Project Proposal

Project Title: Detecting Fraudulent Transactions using Random Forest

Project Description: The objective of this project is to develop a machine learning model using Random Forest to detect fraudulent transactions. Fraudulent transactions can cause significant financial losses to organizations, and machine learning models can help identify such transactions in real-time.

As a student, you can start by collecting a dataset of transactions that includes both legitimate and fraudulent transactions. You can then preprocess the data, perform exploratory data analysis, and engineer relevant features that may help the model identify fraudulent transactions.

You can then use Random Forest, an ensemble learning method that combines multiple decision trees, to build a model that can learn the patterns of fraudulent transactions. You can train the model on the labeled dataset and evaluate its performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.

Once the model is trained and tested, you can deploy it in a real-time environment using web technologies such as Flask or Django. The model can be integrated into an application that can monitor transactions and flag any that are deemed suspicious.

The final deliverable can be a report that details the methodology, findings, and recommendations for the field of application.

Expected Deliverables:

  1. A detailed analysis of the transaction dataset
  2. A machine learning model using Random Forest to detect fraudulent transactions
  3. An evaluation of the model's performance using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score
  4. A web application that can flag fraudulent transactions in real-time
  5. A comprehensive report that details the methodology, findings, and recommendations for the field of application.

Tools and Technologies:

  1. Python
  2. Scikit-learn
  3. Pandas
  4. NumPy
  5. Flask or Django

Project Timeline: As a student project, the timeline can be flexible and depend on your availability. However, you can follow this timeline:

  1. Week 1: Understanding fraud detection and transaction datasets
  2. Week 2-3: Data Collection and Preprocessing
  3. Week 4-5: Model Development and Training
  4. Week 6-7: Model Evaluation and Deployment
  5. Week 8: Report Writing and Presentation.

Automated Answer Grading System machine learning project

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Buy Project Report ₹1001

An Automated Answer Grading System is a machine learning-based Django project that allows teachers to automatically grade student answers in a fast and efficient manner. The system will use natural language processing techniques to analyze and compare the student's answer to the correct answer and assign a grade based on how closely the two match.

The project will consist of a web-based interface that teachers can use to upload student answers and view the results. Teachers will also have the ability to view detailed reports on student performance, including overall scores and breakdowns of individual question scores.

The system will be trained using a dataset of correct and incorrect answers, which will be used to develop the machine learning model that will be used to grade the student's answers. The model will use various natural language processing techniques such as text similarity, sentiment analysis, and topic modeling to compare the student's answer to the correct answer.

The project will be built using the Django web framework and will be hosted on a cloud platform such as AWS or Google Cloud. The frontend of the system will be designed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript and will provide an easy-to-use and intuitive interface for teachers to interact with.

Overall, the Automated Answer Grading System will be a powerful tool for teachers that will allow them to grade student answers quickly and accurately, freeing up more time for other important teaching tasks.


The dataset used is the Kaggle’s Automatic Essay Scoring dataset,can be downloaded from


The models were tested using kappa statistic which is intending to compare labelling by different human annotators, not a classifier versus a ground truth. The kappa score is a number between -1 and 1. Scores above .8 are generally considered good agreement,zero or lower means no agreement For this project we have used an Algorithm in which we Combine all the topics into a single model and predicted the score using bi-directional LSTM. kappa score obtained is 0.74


Online Gas Booking Project in Python Django

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The Online Gas Booking System Project in Python Django has been developed to override the problems prevailing in the practicing manual system. This Project is Supported to eliminate and in some cases reduce the hardship faced by this existing system. More over this Project is designed for the particular need of the company to carry out operations in a smooth and effective manner

User Panel :

(Users first fill the signup form then login into their panel and do the following activities )

  1. Dashboard: This is the Welcome page for the customer.
  2. New Connection: In this section, customer sends the request for LPG connection to the organization
  3. Book Cylinder: When the organization provides a connection number then the customer can book his/her cylinder.
  4. Booking History: In this section, customer can view the history of gas booking.
  5. Search: In this section, customer can search gas booking records by entering the booking number.
  6. The customer can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

Admin Panel :

  1. Admin is the superuser of the website who can manage everything on the website. Admin can log in through the login page
  2. Dashboard: In this section, admin can see all detail in brief like the total new connection, total new connection,
  3. total on-hold connection, total approved connection, total rejected connection, total new booking, total confirmed booking, total canceled booking, total assign booking, total delivered LPG, total staff and total registered users
  4. Delivery Staff: In this section, admin can manage staff (add/update).
  5. Reg Users: In this section, admin can view the detail of registered users.
  6. Connection: In this section, admin can view the connection request admin also has the right to change connection status according to the current status and add his/her remarks.
  7. Booking: In this section, admin can view booking request and assign to delivery staff or cancel the booking.
  8. Assigned Booking: In this section, admin can change the status of booking according to the current status and add his/her remarks.
  9. Reports: In this section, admin can view booking and connection requests in a particular period.
  10. Search: In this section, admin can search booking and connection details with the help of booking number and connection number respectively.
  11. Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

Technology Used in the project

  1. We have developed this project using the below technology
  2. HTML : Page layout has been designed in HTML
  3. CSS : CSS has been used for all the desigining part
  4. JavaScript : All the validation task and animations has been developed by JavaScript
  5. Python : All the business logic has been implemented in Python
  6. SQLite : SQLite database has been used as database for the project
  7. Django : Project has been developed over the Django Framework

Supported Operating System

  1. We can configure this project on following operating system.
  2. Windows : This project can easily be configured on windows operating system. For running this project on Windows system, you will have to install
  3. Python 2.7, PIP, Django.
  4. Linux : We can run this project also on all versions of Linux operating systemMac : We can also easily configured this project on Mac operating system.

Django Installation Steps :-

  1. Install Python 3.7 Or Higher
  2. Install Django version 3.0.8
  3. Install all dependencies cmd -python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  4. Finally run cmd - python runserver

Online Tiffin Service Mangement System Using Django

Online Tiffin Service System is a Django based web application which strives to make an online portal for both vendors and customers. Using Interactive GUI anyone can quickly learn to use the complete system. This system will give power and flexibility to the administrator to manage the entire system from a single online portal.

In Online Tiffin Service System we use Python Django and SQLite Database. This project keeps the records of Tiffin’s orders. This project has three modules i.e. admin, vendor and customers.

Admin Module

  1. Dashboard: In this section, admin can briefly view all the databases users and vendors.
  2. Users: In this section, admin can manage Users (Add/Update/Delete/Edit).
  3. Customers:In this section, admin can manage Users (Add/Update/Delete/Edit).
  4. Vendors:In this section, admin can manage Users (Add/Update/Delete/Edit).
  5. User Groups:In this section, admin can manage Users (Add/Update/Delete/Edit).

Admin can also update his profile, change the password and recover the password.

Vendor Module

  1. Dashboard: In this section, Vendor can briefly view all orders.

User Module

  1. Home Page: In this section, user can view the home page of the web application and also view which food available in Tiffin service and order that food.
  2. My Profile: In this section, user can view and update his/her profile.
  3. Setting: In this section, user can change his/her password.
  4. Log out: The user can be logged off the system using this module.

Technology Used in the project Online Tiffin Service Mangement

  1. We have developed this project using the below technology
  2. HTML : Page layout has been designed in HTML
  3. CSS : CSS has been used for all the desigining part
  4. JavaScript : All the validation task and animations has been developed by JavaScript
  5. Python : All the business logic has been implemented in Python
  6. SQLite : SQLite database has been used as database for the project
  7. Django : Project has been developed over the Django Framework

Supported Operating System

  1. We can configure this project on following operating system.
  2. Windows : This project can easily be configured on windows operating system. For running this project on Windows system, you will have to install
  3. Python 2.7, PIP, Django.
  4. Linux : We can run this project also on all versions of Linux operating systemMac : We can also easily configured this project on Mac operating system.

Online Tiffin Service Mangement Django Installation Steps :-

  1. Install Python 3.7 Or Higher
  2. Install Django version 2.2.0
  3. Install all dependencies cmd -python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  4. Finally run cmd - python runserver


  1. Admin Email -
  2. Admin username - admin
  3. Admin Password -admin123
  4. Vendor ID
  5. 11910617
  6. 11910616
  7. 11910615

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Road Lane Detection Computer Vision Python Flask Web app

Buy Now ₹1501

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Road Lane Detection Computer Vision Python Flask Web app. Lane Detection on Road Images which includes advanced image processing to detect lanes irrespective of the road texture, brightness, contrast, curves etc. Used Image warping and sliding window approach to find and plot the lane lines.

The Steps Involved are:

  1. Computing the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images. (9x6)
  2. Apply a distortion correction to raw images.
  3. Use color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thresholded binary image.
  4. Apply a perspective transform to rectify binary image ("birds-eye view") to get a warped image.
  5. Detect lane pixels and fit to find the lane boundary.
  6. Warp the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image.

Python Packages Used:

  1. Flask==1.1.0
  2. gunicorn==19.6.0
  3. pandas==0.22.0
  4. numpy==1.11.2
  5. scipy==0.18.1
  6. scikit-learn>=0.18
  7. opencv-python==


Camera Calibration:

The first step in the pipeline is to undistort the camera. Some images of a 9x6 chessboard are given and are distorted. Our task is to find the Chessboard corners an plot them. For this, after loading the images we calibrate the camera. Open CV functions like findChessboardCorners(), drawChessboardCorners() and calibrateCamera() help us do this.

Undistortion of Input Image:

The images uploaded are initially undistorted using cv2.undistort() which takes in an image and returns the undistorted one.

Color transforms, gradients or other methods to create a thresholded binary image:

Detecting edges around trees or cars is okay because these lines can be mostly filtered out by applying a mask to the image and essentially cropping out the area outside of the lane lines. It's most important that we reliably detect different colors of lane lines under varying degrees of daylight and shadow. So, that our self driving car does not become blind in extreme daylight hours or under the shadow of a tree.

I performed gradient threshold and color threshold individually and then created a binary combination of these two images to map out where either the color or gradient thresholds were met called the combined_binary in the code.

Perspective Transform:

Perspective Transform is the Bird's eye view for Lane images. We want to look at the lanes from the top and have a clear picture about their curves. Implementing Perspective Transform was the most interesting one for me. I used values of src and dst as shown below:

src = np.float32([[590,450],[687,450],[1100,720],[200,720]])

dst = np.float32([[300,0],[900,0],[900,720],[300,720]])

Also, made a function warper(img, src, dst) which takes in the Binary Warped Image and return the perspective transform using cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst) and cv2.warpPerspective(img, M, img_size, flags=cv2.INTER_NEAREST).

Read Before Purchase  :

  1. One Time Free Installation Support.
  2. Terms and Conditions on this page: https://projectworlds/terms
  3. We offer Paid Customization installation Support
  4.  If you have any questions please contact  Support Section
  5. Please note that any digital products presented on the website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. You buy the original files from the developers. We do not sell any products downloaded from other sites.
  6. You can download the product after the purchase by a direct link on this page.


Online movie ticket booking Project in python django

Buy Now Source Code ₹501

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Movie Ticket Booking System is to manage the details of Shows, Booking, Payment,Movie, Customer. It manages all the information about Shows, Seats, Customer, Shows. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Shows, Booking,
Seats, Payment. It tracks all the details about the Payment,Movie, Customer.

Online movie ticket booking Project in python django Features :-

User Features :

  1. Login
  2. Register.
  3. Search Movies.
  4. Upcomming Movies.
  5. Current Shows.
  6. Book Movies.
  7. Pay.

Admin Features :

  1. Add Movies .
  2. Edit Movies.
  3. Delete Movies
  4. Booking Hiostory.
  5. User details.
  6. All Crud Operations.

Technology Used :

  1. We have developed this project using the below technology
  2. HTML : Page layout has been designed in HTML
  3. CSS : CSS has been used for all the desigining part
  4. JavaScript : All the validation task and animations has been developed by JavaScript
  5. Python : All the business logic has been implemented in Python
  6. SQLite : SQLite database has been used as database for the project
  7. Django : Project has been developed over the Django Framework

Supported Operating System

  • We can configure this project on following operating system.
  • Windows : This project can easily be configured on windows operating system. For running this project on Windows system, you will have to install
  • Python 3.7, PIP, Django.
  • Linux : We can run this project also on all versions of Linux operating systemMac : We can also easily configured this project on Mac operating system.

Installation Steps :-

  • Install Python 3.7 Or Higher
  • Install Django version 2.2.0
  • pip install Pillow
  • Finally run cmd - python runserver

User Login :-

  1. User Id-
  2. Password- ram12345

Admin Login :-

  1. Admmin
  2. Password- admin@12345

Artificial Intelligence Project Chess Game Python Flask with Source Code

This is a simple chess engine/interface created using flask.  It uses chessboard.js and chess.js for the logic of the frontend chessboard, and python chess for the
logic of the backend chessboard. All calculation is done on the backend using python. In order to run this application on your own machine, please install flask and python chess.


  1. Play against Artificial Intelligence bot with multi level .
  2. See game moves in a pretty formatted table. (Standard Algebraic Notation).
  3. Reset the game whenever you want.
  4. Undo and redo your moves.

Installation Step : 

  1. You have to install the required packages, you can do it:
  2. Install flask by running:
        pip install flask
    Install python chess by running:
        pip install python-chess[uci,gaviota]
  3. Run command - python

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Weather Forecast Project In Python Django With Source Code

Python weathercast involves predicting things like cloud cover, rain or snow, wind speed, and temperature before they happen. ... We forecast the weather by looking at current conditions, motion of air and clouds, historical patterns, pressure changes, and computer models.

Features Weather Forecast Project In Python Django:

  1. Time to time update weather
  2. Temprature Update
  3. Last 7 days data Predict
  4. change weather in every hours as according to weather changes.
  5. provide accurate data information about weather.
  6. user can search weather anytime and anywhere.
  7. any places data can be search and provide information as according to weather.
  8. help user to travel.
  9. help User to future plans for holidays.


Weather forecasts are made by collecting as much data as possible about the current state of the atmosphere (particularly the temperature, humidity and wind) and using understanding of atmospheric processes (through meteorology) to determine how the atmosphere evolves in the future.

However, the chaotic nature of the atmosphere and incomplete understanding of the processes mean that forecasts become less accurate as the range of the forecast increases.

Traditional observations made at the surface of atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind speed, wind direction, humidity, precipitation are collected routinely from trained observers, automatic weather stations or buoys.

During the data assimilation process, information gained from the observations is used in conjunction with a numerical model's most recent forecast for the time that observations were made to produce the meteorological analysis.

Numerical weather prediction models are computer simulations of the atmosphere.

They take the analysis as the starting point and evolve the state of the atmosphere forward in time using understanding of physics and fluid dynamics.

The complicated equations which govern how the state of a fluid changes with time require supercomputers to solve them.

The output from the model provides the basis of the weather forecast.

Technology Overview :

  1. Python version 3.8.1
  2. Django 3.1

## Front-end Part

  1. * HTML
  2. * CSS
  3. * Bootstrap
  4. * JavaScript

## Back-end

  1. * Django
  2. * SQLite 3

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Image to Cartoon Python OpenCV Machine Learning

Image to Cartoon Python OpenCV Machine Learning Free Source Code . This Project web app project you can directly select image then you can convert any image to cartoon . its very interesting project . This is simple and basic level small project for learning purpose. Also you can modified this system as per your requriments and develop a perfect advance level project.

Image to Cartoon Python OpenCV Machine Learning Free Source Code

Required modules in this Projects

  1. CV2: Imported to use OpenCV for image processing
  2. easygui: Imported to open a file box. It allows us to select any file from our system.
  3. Numpy: Images are stored and processed as numbers. These are taken as arrays. We use NumPy to deal with arrays.
  4. Imageio: Used to read the file which is chosen by file box using a path.
  5. Matplotlib: This library is used for visualization and plotting. Thus, it is imported to form the plot of images.
  6. OS: For OS interaction. Here, to read the path and save images to that path.
  7. Flask: Flask is a micro web framework written in Python.

Steps to develop Image to cartoon 

  1. Importing the required modules
  2. Building a File Box to choose a particular file
  3. How is an image stored?
  4. Transforming an image to grayscale
  5. Smoothening a grayscale image
  6. Retrieving the edges of an image
  7. Preparing a Mask Image
  8. Giving a Cartoon Effect
  9. Plotting all the transitions together
  10. Functionally of save or download  button

Application tested on:

  1. python 3.7
  2. tensorflow 2.1.0
  3. tf_slim 1.1.0
  4. ffmpeg 3.4.8
  5. Cuda version 10.1
  6. OS: Windows 10

Algorithmia For Video Convert 

We used the Serveless AI Layer product of Algorithmia for inference on videos. To learn more on how to deploy your model in Algorithmia, check here -


Installation Step : -

  1. python 3.7.0
  2. command 1 - python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  3. command 2 - python

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