Kotlin Android Job Allocation Project

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Do you remember or forget sometimes to whom you allocated a task ??

Have a look at Job Allocation app build with SQLite database and Kotlin support

It is an Job recording application with an offline database to store the jobs allocated to a person by any authority.The app can be used in coordinating the task distribution for a project and many more creative ways. A custom ListView holds the info: Jobassigned toassigned bydate of creation.Any item in the ListView can be editedupdated and also deleted as well, any time by a ClickListener on the items of the ListView.

You dont need to remember the allocation......the Job Allocation app would do this for you ..!!


  • SQLite Database
  • Splash screen
  • Animation styles
  • Custom ListView
  • ImageView
  • progress dialog
  • Minimal Design
  • Simplified Theme
  • Well Constrained Layout


    -> Android Studio
    -> With Kotlin Support


The app is finally installed on your Android mobile device !!

To directly download the apk Click Here

Download Source Code


Resources, Activities and Manifest for the Application

For curious Kotlin programmers Click here

Packages for backend Files:

Frontend resource files are stored in res package

Android manifest file for the project:

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