This project is based on the working of Cyber Cafe Management activity which is involved in allotting various types of Management like keep the record of registered User and non registered user, updating the records. And deleting the records and also generate their reports. The cyber cafe current maintains the records manually. All the working hour, user name and its addresses have to be maintained daily in record book for further reference. Due to manual method the processing is not up to the mark and prone to inefficiencies. Report generation is a very tedious and error prone procedure.
This project has been undertaken to automate the Cyber Cafe Management. One entry should be made once and further the entries are fetches as required. This makes system more efficient. The user can only login the system if they are authorized to do so.
The revolutionary change brought by computer in every walk of life has been felt as mandatory as breathing air for human survivor. Cyber Cafe management System is very important place for keeping member records as per IT Law. In the present age of I.T., each & every aspect of human life from home to office, to store the information are being affected through computer some high & mid level languages like PASCAL, BASIC & C++ with application development tool has need it quite easier for computer professionals to built several projects. Among these software development tools C++ retains high value due to its better efficiency. This is cause for our making the project named “Cyber Cafe Management System” in C++.
The “Cyber Cafe Management System” is written in C++ language for the following reasons:
- C++ is a flexible, structured programming language.
- C++ is widely available.
- C++ include certain low-level features that are normally available only in assembly or machine language.
- C++ supports Object Oriented Program (OOP).
“Cyber Cafe Management System” has been design to exhibit the significant of an automated system, which is used to manage and store information about Cyber Cafe Management, in this project no attempt have been made in reinventing a wheel but sincere attempts have been made in demonstrating a COMPUTER BASED CYBER CAFE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM using the facilities of C++.
The project begins with the separate on different topics of as menu bar items. Each heading possesses a number of models as its menu items. The project provides a user-friendly environment revealing the functioning of each part of Cafe Management automating them, which the users are facing at different level of management in any Cyber Cafe.
So in this project, We try to do best of my error and hard work to cover some part of the system process. In this project sincere efforts have been made to develop a simple and easy Computer Based Cyber Cafe Management. The users of this system are required to feed up there own data giving up appropriate constraints be able to manipulate the functioning of various highlights of system.
The user provided with remarkable facilities of adding, printing, saving, deleting, modifying, closing as well as editing the data that has been entered currently or in the past.
Salient Features of the Project:
1) Cyber Cafe Management System is dos Based Graphical software.
2) Being of its ease of access and interface, this system can be used by any specialized or non-specialized users.
3) Addition, deletion, modification of member records, machine records and surfing records are easily maintained.
4) Reduce time, money and efforts of doing a work.
5) Provide better service and accurate information to the factory.
6) Provide fast retrieval of information.
7) Restricts unauthorized person to use important data.