Online Tours and Travels Project in PHP

Online Tours and Travels Project in PHP

This is an online project developed using PHP and MySQL. Online Tours and Travels Project in PHP : The purpose of this project is to provide the complete information about the vehicles available for a tour. There are 2 different types of users. First the customer visits the site and enters the place from where to where he wishes to travel. He also provides the date as when he would like to travel. Online Tours and Travels Project in PHP Then he sends these details to the travel and tourism agency. Online Tours and Travels Project in PHP : The employee of travel and tourism agency receives the mail and check which vehicle is available for that day and reverts back to the customer along with the quotation. If the customer agrees for any one of the quotation, he can reply back along with agreed quotation.

Objective Of the Project

  1. Faster processing time and more accurate data for travel requests and reimbursements
  2. Ability for travelers to track authorization and reimbursement request status through the system rather than via phone calls or campus mail
  3. Major technological upgrades to the current travel system
  4. Use of IU’s standardized, virtual J2EE environments
  5. Many new features and enhancements

Modules of Tourism Management System in php

  1. Admin  :
  2. Users   :
  3. Guest users  :


  1. User can register yourself     :
  2. User can login with valid email and password  :
  3. Forgot Password(user Can recover own password)  :
  4. Tour Booking  :
  5. Manage Booking  :
  6. Generate Ticket(Regarding Complaint)   :
  7. change Password   :


  1. Admin can create Package  :
  2. Manage packages(Create,Update)   :
  3. Manage Users    :
  4. Manage Inquiries   :
  5. Manage issues    :
  6. Manage Booking   :
  7. Change Password   :
  8. Admin Dashboard  :

Guest users—

  1. Visit the Website
  2. Guest user can enquiry

Software Requirements

  1. WAMP Server
  2. XAMPP Server

( Make Sure PHP Version 5.5 to 5.6 )

Xamp PHP 5.6 download link -  Click Here

Xamp PHP 5.5 download link -  Click Here

Installation/Configuration Steps

  1. Download zip files and Unzip files.
  2. Copy and Paste the unzip files inside “c:/wamp/www/” or “c:/xampp/htdocs/”.

Database Configuration:

  1. Create a new database named “db name”.
  2. Import database travel.sql file through phpmyadmin dashboard


Run/Execute PHP Projects

  1. Open Your Web Browser
  2. Put/type inside the web browser : “localhost/project folder”

Admin Login

  1. Open Your Web Browser
  2. Put/type inside the web browser : “localhost/project folder/Admin”
  3. Admin User : admin
  4. Admin Password : admin


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