Online voting system project in PHP

In the current scenario where internet has brought almost all the ease to our living room, be it replacing
physical banking to internet banking, ordering food online, buying movie tickets, buyinh any kind of
clothes or house hold items to consulting your doctor for minor issues, bill payments of any kind etc.

Still since quite long time going to the polling booth and standing in long queue to cast vote has been
persistent and it was challenging for the Government to motivate the public to participate in the
election system and cast their vote, as there was no such online voting system available.

But all the credit goes to the internet and the Software developers who are going to made it possible
soon for everyone to cast their vote to the candidate of their own choice with the un-matchable ease.

Further to this the another challenge is for the software developers who have to take the responsibility
to develop easy, user friendly software for the same purpose.

This goal can very effectively be achieved with the use of PHP software as PHP is a simple, elegant and powerful software development tool.

PHP is a general purpose, server side scripting language run by a web server that’s designed to make dynamic pages and applications.

PHP as a web development option is secure, fast and reliable that offers lots more advantages to make it accessible to people. For the same reason and due to the high demands, we are happy to provide a well developed complete Online Voting System Project for the aspiring developers, who want to mark their worth by providing real and authentic work of the project they are assigned to.

This Online Voting System Project is free for downloading, also incase any one encountering any problem in doing so or stuck up anyhow in the steps can seek advice personally
through this website.



  • Admin Login
  • Candidate Document Verification.
  • Candidate Login
  • Voters Login
  • Voters can view Candidate’s data
  • Admin dashboard has overall functional rights
  • Appropriate data processing and handling
  • System generated ID and Password for Candidate and Voters.
  • Result Calculation module
  • Election Creation module
  • Voting conduction module


  • Fast and easy way of conducting Election.
  • Voters can view background of each Candidate.
  • Candidate can present themselves against voters.
  • Admin can verify the documents and details of Candidate.
  • System Generated Unique ID and Password gives more Secure Logins.
  • Result will be out after 2 Hrs of Election.


  • Chances of hacking candidate or voters account.
  • Every voter does not have pc or net connection, so voters can even go in polling booth and vote online there.


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