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Sports club management system is developed keeping in mind the regular day-to-day operations of a sports club. The club’s entire operation is automated using this software.
The Sports club management system categorizes its visitors into different categories and presents them with the respective functionality as per their level of access. A new user can either register for club membership or book the ground for desired number of days. A new user can also enroll in the activities of the sports club. A details cost evaluation is done by the software when the user tries to book the ground. The user sees the estimated cost clearly at the time of booking. This prevents the users from negotiating about cost afterwards. A user who is already a member of the club doesn’t need to register before booking the ground. Apart from the functionalities mentioned above, the users can register themselves for the various regular and vacation training batches.
The top-level user of this software is the administrator or admin for short. The admin has a complete control over this software, including the users, members, ground booking, training batches. The admin is the only person that can approve a ground booking request. The ground is booked only after it has been approved by the admin.
This Sports club management system is developed using Microsoft .net framework. The preferred IDE for this project is Microsoft visual studio. The database used with this project is the Microsoft SQL Server. This is hierarchical software and the users are presented with views based on their level of access.
Existing System
Currently, the process of managing the sports club is file based and manual. These obsolete management system slows down functionality of the club. For example, a new user wants to enroll in a training batch he/she has to visit the club and fill up the registration form. The form then passes through a hierarchy of club members before approval. It takes time as well as effort form a user’s perspective. This is just a single case. Same problem persists in all the major operation of the club.
Proposed System
The proposed Sports club management system is fully automated and requires just one person from the club to maintain the functionalities of the club. The user can register for new membership, book ground for specific days and register for training batches. The admin has to approve every membership and ground booking request as well as request to join a training batch. No need of clumsy paper-work. No need to be physically present to book the ground. No manual processing of requests.
Sports Club Management System Module
User Registration
This module takes care of registering a new user for club membership. A user can request for club membership by filling up a form and submitting it to admin for approval. Once the admin approves, he/she is a member of the club.
Ground Booking
This module is where the user books the ground for specific days. A detailed cost estimation in done by the software and informed to the user before submitting his/her booking request. This ensures that there is no negotiation in cost afterwards by the user.
Training module
In this module the user requests to join any upcoming/ongoing training batches. The user can see a list of all the upcoming and ongoing batches and he has to select his desired batch followed by some personal information. Once the user submits the form, it is sent to the admin for approval. Once the admin approves the joining request, the user is enrolled in his desired batch.
Admin Module
This is the decision making module of the software. In the admin module list of all the requests are displayed. The admin can accept or reject any requests. Every request has to be approved by the admin.
Admin Login
username- admin
Software Requirements
- NeatBeans 8.2
- Mysql Server
Hardware Requirements
- Hard Disk-2GB or higher
- RAM-2GB or higher
- Processor: Dual Core 1.3 GHz or above
- Java
- Mysql Server
- JS