Installment Sale and Collection Management Software

This Installment Product Selling Management Software has

Insatllment Module:

  • Credit Sales/Installment Sale/Hire Sale module
  • Installment Collection
  • Money Receipt of Installment Collection
  • Credit Sales Invoice
  • Monthly Installment System
  • Upcoming Report
  • Installment Collection Report


  • User Registration ( Details )
  • User Type ( ex; admin, staff, manager etc )
  • Password Recovery System
  • Change Password System
  • Login Details


  • Product Name
  • ProductPrice
  • Product Category
  • Product Sub-Category
  • Product Image
  • Product Features
  • All product’s Information (Add, Edit, Delete, Update)
  • Product List export to excel


  • Automatic Id generate
  • Name, Address, City
  • Contact No, Email
  • Mobile number, Note
  • All information – Add, Edit, Delete & Update
  • Show all Customer list


  • Automatic Id generate
  • Name, Address, City
  • Contact No, Email
  • Mobile number, Note
  • All information – Add, Edit, Delete & Update
  • Show all Supplier list


  • Stock ID (Auto generate)
  • Stock Date
  • Item Name
  • Product’s Category
  • Product’s Quantity
  • Total Price
  • Supplier Name
  • Search by product name
  • All Info Add, Edit, Delete, Update
  • Get all Stock Info
  • Stock List export to excel


  • Invoice No (Auto generate)
  • Invoice Date
  • Customer Details (Select wise)
  • Product / Item name, Unit Price
  • Search by product name
  • Product Available Quantity
  • Sale Quantity
  • Total Amount ( Auto calculate )
  • Add To Cart System
  • Sub Total, VAT+ST, Discount
  • Grand Total, Total Payment
  • Payment Due, Remarks / Note
  • Payment Type (ex: COD, Debit card, Credit card, DD, By Check etc)
  • Invoice Status (ex: Confirmed, Shipped, Delivered, Returned etc )
  • Save / Print Invoice
  • Invoice Edit, Delete, Update, Search all invoice date / customer wise
  • All Invoice export to excel


  • All sales / Invoices report
  • Sales By Customer report
  • Customer wise due report
  • Customer Report
  • Supplier Report
  • Date wise sales report
  • Date wise customer due report
  • Date wise customer payment report
  • Items / Product report
  • Available stock report
  • Daily Sales Repor
  • Daily Purchase Report
  • Stock Report
  • Monthy Puchase and Sales Report
  • Yearly Puchase and Slaes Report
  • Category Wise Stock Report
  • Company Wise Stock Report
  • Customer Ledger
  • Supllier Ledger
  • Product Wise Benefit Report
  • Daily Monthly and Yeary Profit and Loss Report


  • Visual Studio 2013 / 2019
  • RDLC Report
  • .Net Framework 4.00+
  • SQL Server 2011 – up to / 2016
  • Windows 7 , 8, 8.1 and 10 ( Operating System )