Grocery Store and Billing Software .Net

Basic Modules :

  • Brand
  • Model
  • Unit
  • Items/Product
  • Items entry from excel
  • Customer
  • Supplier
  • Broker
  • Bill Receiver
  • Product Receiver
  • Sales Man

Feature Modules :

  • Purchase Reorder
  • Purchase Reorder Confirm
  • Purchase
  • Purchase Return
  • Stock
  • Godown
  • Assign to Godown
  • Godown to Godown Transfer
  • Quotation
  • Sales
  • POS and Normal Invoice
  • False Sales Invoice
  • Sales Return
  • Payment to supplier
  • Payment to Bill Receiver
  • Payment Receive from Customer
  • Advance payment to supplier
  • Advance payment receive from customer
  • Bill Adjustment
  • Advance Bill Adjustment
  • Direct Expense
  • Other Expense
  • Expense Transfer
  • Bank
  • Bank Deposit
  • Bank Withdraw


  • Bank Statement Report
  • Sales Profit Reports
  • Creditors Reports
  • Sales Item History
  • Stock Ledger
  • Customer and Supplier Ledger
  • Bill Receiver Ledger
  • Product Receiver Ledger
  • Cash Bank Ledger
  • Broker Commission Ledger
  • Customer Overall Due Report
  • Supplier Overall Due Report
  • Best Selling Items
  • Low Selling Items
  • Sale Book Report
  • Customer Wise Sales Report
  • Purchase Day Book
  • Balance Sheet
  • NoteBook
  • Admin Entry
  • Database Backup

Requirements :

  • Visual Studio 2013
  • Devexpress
  • MSSQL server 2012
  • Windows 7,8,8.1 and 10

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call / Whatsapp : +916263056779

Email :

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 6 months support included

Electronics Shop Management Software .Net

Electronic Shop Management Software has:

> Dashboard
> Create invoice
> Manage invoice
> POS invoice
> Add Product
> Manage Product
> Create customer
> Manage customer
> Credit customer
> Paid customer
> Create category
> Manage category
> Create supplier
> Manage supplier
> Create purchase
> Manage purchase
> Stock report
> Product search
> Customer search
> Invoice search
> Purchase search
> Create accounts
> Manage accounts
> Income
> Expense
> Add tax
> Manage tax
> Accounts summary
> Closing
> Closing report
> Today’s report
> Sales report
> Purchase report
> Product wise sales report
> Profit report
> Create bank
> Manage bank


  1. Windows 7 or higher
  2. Microsoft SQL Server 2017 or higher
  3. Visual Studio 2017 or higher
  4. .Net Framework 4.7.2 or higher
  5. Crystal Reports for Visual Studio

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call / Whatsapp : +916263056779

Email :

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 6 months support included