Wallet & Banking Online Investment Platform PHP Script

InvestM Multiprrpose Wallet & Banking Online Investment Platform. It is a fully functional web Platform for managing your Wallet , Banking & Online investment platform conveniently. It allows you to register users, take deposits, remit earnings and process both single and multi-level ROI earnings. With InvestPro you’ll be able to setup your own platform as fast as possible. Major payment gateways and cryptocurrencies supported include Stripe, Coinpayments (BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, XRP and BCH) and Paypal.
InvestM is an investment script built to help you get your investment platform of any type running in no time. It has a modern and fully responsive user and admin interface

Features        :

  1. User Friendly Dashboard
  2. Responsive Interface
  3. Profile Verification
  4. Email Verification
  5. Easy Deposit
  6. Wallet Funding
  7. Investment Plan
  8. Internal Transfer
  9. Referral System Unlimited
  10. Withdrawal
  11. Multiple Template
  12. Multiple Language
  13. Live Chat

Admin Features


Referral System
Deposit Management

  1. Gateways
  2. Pending Deposit
  3. Accepted Deposit
  4. Rejected Deposit
  5. Deposit Log

Users Management

  1. Gateways
  2. Pending Deposit
  3. Accepted Deposit

Withdraw Management

  1. Gateways
  2. Pending Deposit
  3. Accepted Deposit

Transaction Log

News Management

  1. Add
  2. Manage

Plan Management

  1. Add
  2. Manage

Menu Management

  1. Add
  2. Manage

Web Management

  1. Banner
  2. Work Area
  3. About
  4. Services
  5. Investors
  6. Partners
  7. Socials
  8. Logo & Icon


  1. Settings
  2. Email Settings

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call/WhatsApp : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 3 months support included

Live Video Chat, Conference, Live Class, Meeting, Webinar, Whiteboard, File Transfer, Chat

This  is a Web Application offering Real-Time Communication with Video & Audio Communication, File Sharing, Screen Sharing, Whiteboard and Live P2P & Group Chat Messaging. Built using secure and scalable WebRTC, which is an open source framework to enable realtime communication of audio, video and data in Web and native apps. It enables users to communicate with others via Video & Audio Conference, Webinar, Podcast etc.

Summary of Awesome Features

Here are some points which make Connect the Perfect Solution for your Audio & Video Conferencing needs.

  1. Multiple Meeting Types
  2. Scheduled & Instant Meetings
  3. Contacts & Segments for Invitation
  4. Audio, Video and Screen Sharing Options
  5. Multiple Level of Meeting Configurations
  6. Live Chat / Real Time Messaging
  7. Real Time File Sharing
  8. Multiple Authentication Option
  9. Complete Users Management System
  10. Whiteboard & Streaming
  11. Publicly Accessible Meetings

Awesome Features

Connect is built on modern web technologies such as Laravel, VueJS and Bootstrap CSS framework, with tons of built-in features and components, it enables users to communicate with others via Video & Audio Conference, Webinar, Podcast etc.

Here are the list of some of the highlighted features of Connect:

  1. Built with Latest Version of Laravel (7.x), The Most Popular and Widely Supported PHP Framework
  2. Built with Latest Version of Vue.JS – The Fastest and The Most Starred JavaScript Framework
  3. Easy Installation Wizard and Step-by-step Installation Tutorial Videos
  4. Supports REST API, easy to integrate with other application
  5. Single Page Application, reduces queries to server, decreases loading time, less bandwidth usage and improved user experience
  6. Most Efficient Database Structure, gives scalability to the application
  7. Multiple Authentication Options
  8. Registration, Login, Activation, Approval
  9. Social Login, Two-Factor Authentication
  10. User Profile, Avatar, Change Password, Online/Offline Status
  11. Roles & Permissions Management (ACL) System
  12. Multi Lingual and Locale Management
  13. Auto & Manual Screen Locking
  14. UI and Push Notifications
  15. Print and Export Functionality
  16. Press Any Key to Search
  17. Frontend Website built with Laravel Blade
  18. Maintenance Mode
  19. Mobile Responsive Design
  20. Full Screen Mode
  21. Multiple Color Scheme
  22. Multiple Styling Options

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

WhatsApps : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  1.  Free Installation support
  2. Free technical support
  3.  Future product updates
  4.  Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  5.  Lowest price guarantee
  6.  3 months support included

Professional Service Selling Marketplace PHP Script

Service Selling  is a professional service selling marketplace where service providers and users/customers can create free account. Service providers can add their services for free and users/customers can hire them. Admin will earn through commisions from service providers when they will be hired by customers for a particular service.

This system was made using the popular Laravel php framework. Strong security was maintained during the development and there is no sql injection, xss attack, csrf attack possible.

Key Features

  1. Laravel 8 is used as language
  2. Bootstrap 4.5 is used in design
  3. User friendly codes and easy to navigate
  4. Eye-catching design
  5. Strong security of codes
  6. Search by expert name and category in the home page
  7. Service Provider makes their own service under some category
  8. Easily navigate bookings and payments for user
  9. Messaging between user and service provider
  10. Service provider withdraw system

Admin Features

  1. SEO Settings for all pages
  2. Payment setting for PayPal, Stripe and Bank
  3. Email template setting
  4. Facebook or manual comment setup option for blog
  5. Cookie Consent option
  6. Google Recaptcha option
  7. Google Analytic option
  8. Preloader on/off option
  9. Tawk Live Chat option
  10. Theme color change option
  11. Admin login page photo change option
  12. Clear database option to start the website as fresh installation
  13. Booking view and delete by admin
  14. Provider list view
  15. User list view
  16. Booking view and details
  17. Custom dynamic pages create, edit and delete option
  18. Manage all frontend section data dynamically
  19. Language change option for front end
  20. Home page sections manage with on/off option
  21. Subscriber manage with email to subscribers option
  22. Profile information, photo, password change option
  23. Forget and reset password option

Provider Features

  1. Login, forget and reset password option
  2. Profile information, photo, password change option
  3. Create Service , edit and delete
  4. Create schedule for service
  5. Can approve or reject user booking
  6. Messaging system with service booking user
  7. Withdaraw system
  8. All transaction details

User Features

  1. Login, forget and reset password option
  2. Profile information, photo, password change option
  3. User can book service
  4. User can write review
  5. Messaging system with service provider
  6. User can pay service bill by paypal, stripe or bank
  7. User can mark as complete service after service provided by service provider
  8. User have transactions logs


  1. PHP >= 7.3
  2. BCMath PHP Extension
  3. Ctype PHP Extension
  4. Fileinfo PHP extension
  5. JSON PHP Extension
  6. Mbstring PHP Extension
  7. OpenSSL PHP Extension
  8. PDO PHP Extension
  9. Tokenizer PHP Extension
  10. XML PHP Extension

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call/WhatsApp : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 3 months support included

Complete Online Investment Website Platform in PHP

Are you looking for a complete Investment solution system for your business, then you are in the right place. No need to pay thousands of dollars to hire developers to build your Investment Website. Investment may assist you to handle unlimited users, investment, able to accept payment via cards, cryptos, and mobile money. the ready-to-go solution, it takes only a few minutes to set up your website with our system. we also here to provide you best support, installation, and customization if you need it. hurry up, get your copy and start your network marketing website.

Highlighted Features

  1.  Lite, Simple but secure premium HYIP Investment Platform.
  2. 20+ Payment Gateway and 250+ currencies setup.
  3. Support modern browser and cross-browser compatibility.
  4. Strong and powerful admin interface.
  5.  A clean and modern user interface.
  6.  Functionality is Simple and all Dynamic Features.
  7.  Easy Documentation, GDPR Policy Enable
  8. Regular updates facilities.
  9. Premium and quick support.

User Dashboard Features

  1. Responsive Design (Work with all devices).
  2. Well Decorated Home & Inner pages.
  3. Latests Transection & Top investors.
  4. Secure Registration page.
  5. Plan choose and Subscribtion.
  6. Premium user dashboard.
  7. Automatic & Manual deposit methods.
  8. Withdrawal system.
  9. Transection Logs.
  10. Investment Logs.
  11. Profile Management.
  12. 2FA Security.
  13. And more….

Admin Features

  1. Manage Plan.
  2. Manage Users.
  3. Manage Payment Gateways.
  4. Manage Deposits.
  5. Manage Withdrawals.
  6. Manage Report.
  7. General Setting.
  8. Manage Logo & Favicon.
  9. Manage Live Chat Setup.
  10. Manage GDPR Cookie.
  11. Manage Language.
  12. SEO Manager.
  13. Email Manager.
  14. SMS Manager.
  15. Contact Section.
  16. FAQ Section.
  17. Package Section.
  18. Payment Section.
  19. Policy Pages.
  20. Service Section.
  21. Testimonial Section.
  22. Top Investor Section.
  23. And More…

Brief overview of the technology:

  1. PHP laravel
  2. Mysql Database

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call/WhatsApp : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 3 months support included

Online Classified Ads olx clone Website with Android APP

Classified ads complete solution is Flutter based Android & iOS app  – Classified ads PHP Script. Using this app you can access the most incredible classified marketplace in your country, where you can buy, search, and sell many different products on the go. Classified Listings doesn’t limit you in terms of the goods that you can buy or sell. It allows you to sell motorcycles, vehicles, electronics, and so much more. What’s more, if you’re interested in selling, buying, or renting a property, or posting or searching for a job within the country or overseas, you can find it all on Classified Listings.

Features :

  1. Custom Fields (Create your own Classified Ads, Auto Deals Classified, Real Estate Classified, Directory Listings or Jobs Portal websites)
  2. Based on a REST API (RESTful API)
  3. Clean and Modern Design
  4. Fully Responsive (also in Admin panel)
  5. Built with PHP/MySQL & HTML5/CSS3
  6. Frameworks: Laravel, Bootstrap, jQuery, VueJS
  7. Geo location supported (with Maxmind free or pro database)
  8. Multi Currencies
  9. Support for RTL direction
  10. Multiple Languages Available
  11. Unlimited Colors
  12. Homepage Customization (Change and Order the Home Sections from the Admin panel)
  13. Users, Roles and Permissions System (ACL) integrated in the Admin panel
  14. PayPal Integrated
  15. Google Adsense integrated
  16. Google Maps integrated
  17. Twilio and Nexmo APIs integration
  18. Facebook comment integrated
  19. ReCaptcha integrated
  20. Turn ON/OFF Ads activation Option
  21. Turn ON/OFF User account activation Option
  22. Allow guests to post an ad without being logged
  23. Email Notifications (Using local SMTP or Amazon SES, Mailgun, Mandrill, or Sparkpost API)
  24. SMS Notifications (Using Twilio or Nexmo API)
  25. Resend Mail or SMS verification feature (Get more users with valid email or phone number)
  26. Messaging System between Sellers & Buyers integrated (NOTE: Only Buyers can start the conversation)
  27. CMS for Static pages (Create pages like: About Us, FAQ, Terms & Privacy, etc.)
  28. Contact page (Contact form & Google maps)
  29. Website Sitemap page
  30. Google XML Sitemap
  31. RSS feeds generator
  32. List of countries page (If activated, SEO supported)
  33. SEO optimized
  34. WebP image format support
  35. Website backup (Admin panel module)
  36. Blacklist (Admin panel module)
  37. Plans/Packages (for Premium Ads)
  38. Front End Listing Submission
  39. Social Networks Login (Facebook, Google)
  40. Protecting the users phone number against crawler
  41. Well commented code.
  42. Ready to use
  43. Easy to use. Only 2 minutes to install it.
  44. and much more..

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call/WhatsApp : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 3 months support included

Online Learning Management System with Android & IOS APP

Online Learning System Script is a marketplace script for online learning. Here students and teachers are combined together for sharing knowledge through a structured course-based system. Teachers or instructors can create an unlimited number of courses, video lessons and documents according to their expertise and students can enroll in these courses and make themselves skilled anytime and from anywhere. So start selling your courses by installing This project and make your online business today.

Key Features :

  1. PWA – Progressive Web App
  2. Responsive Design
  3. Admin Dashboard
  4. Instructor Dashboard
  5. Student Dashboard
  6. Big Blue Button Integrate for Meetings
  7. Zoom Integration for Meetings
  8. Google Meet Integration for Live Meetings
  9. Jitsi Meet Integration for Live Meetings
  10. Instructor Payout, Pay to Instructor
  11. Multiple Instructor
  12. Device Control
  13. Drip Content on Course Chapter & Course Classes
  14. Option to Hide User Identity from Instructor
  15. Payment Gateways – Stripe, Paypal, Paystack, Mollie, Skrill, Rave, Braintree, Payflexi, Manual Bank Transfer
  16. Indian Payment Gateways – RazorPay, Instamojo, PayTM, PayU Money, Cashfree
  17. Thailand & Japan Payment Gateways – Omise
  18. SSLCommerze & AamarPay Bangladesh Payment Gateway added
  19. Iyzico Turkish Payment Gateway
  20. PayHere Srilanka Payment Gateway
  21. Manual / Offline Payment Gateway
  22. Three Level Categories
  23. Wish List
  24. Player Settings
  25. Allow Cookies
  26. Private courses
  27. Advertisements Settings
  28. Right Click, Inspect Element Disable
  29. Featured Categories
  30. Secured Cart System
  31. Google Two Factor Authentication
  32. Addon Manager
  33. Gift Course
  34. Leader Board
  35. Site Settings
  36. Player Subtitle
  37. Mail Setting through Admin
  38. API setting by Admin
  39. Social Login – Facebook, Gitlab, Google, Amazon, Linkedin, Twitter
  40. Grid View & List View
  41. Course Expire Duration
  42. Paid Featured Course by Instructor (PayTM Indian Payment Gateway)
  43. Message to Instructor
  44. Invoice PDF Download
  45. Quiz for Courses
  46. Subjective & objective quiz options on courses
  47. Test series / Previous papers & download option
  48. SEO Directory Added
  49. Google Tag Manager
  50. ADMIN Translation
  51. Notification
  52. OneSignal Push Notifications
  53. Course Progress
  54. Coupons
  55. Course Refund
  56. Course Filters
  57. Subscription Model added on Bundle courses via stripe payment & stripe coupon
  58. Language Translator
  59. Like/Dislike option on course reviews
  60. Lazy load added on images
  61. Geo Location
  62. IP Block option on Site
  63. Support YouTube, Viemo & MP-4, m3u8, HLS, WEMB Video
  64. Support Live Streaming
  65. Google Drive Embedded Video Link Support
  66. Embedded Video Link Support
  67. AWS & Digital Ocean Video Links Support
  68. AWS S3 Video Upload
  69. cloudinary.com Video Supported
  70. Google Drive & DropBox Video link supported
  71. Youtube & Vimeo API for Video URL’s
  72. Subtitle File Support (.srt & .txt)
  73. Multipal Playback Rates Selection
  74. Loop & Shuffle
  75. Video Resume Play
  76. Become an Instructor option
  77. Become Instructor Fees Plans added with Paypal & PaytTM payment options
  78. Twillo SMS Settings on course enrollment confirmation.
  79. Course URL/Upload (Video, Image, Zip, Pdf)
  80. Course Download – PDF, Zip, Video, Image (png,jpg)
  81. Course Search
  82. Course Rating
  83. Course Query Q&A
  84. Course Review System
  85. Course Report
  86. Course Purchase Report
  87. Invoice Course Purchase Report
  88. Review Report
  89. Feedback System
  90. Instructors can add Vacation Mode
  91. Blog’s
  92. FAQ – Student, Instructor
  93. Google Adsense
  94. Testimonial
  95. About Detail Page
  96. Career Page
  97. Contact Us Page
  98. Welcome Email
  99. Sends Mail on contact Us
  100. Email on Purchase
  101. Secure Login & Change Password
  102. RTL Support
  103. Bundle Courses
  104. Captcha on Signup
  105. Advertisement Settings
  106. Drag & Drop Categories & Sliders
  107. Lesson/ Class Rearrange Drag & Drop
  108. Instructors Profile Page
  109. Assignment On Course
  110. Appointment to Course Instructor
  111. BigBlueButton & Zoom Meeting On Courses
  112. paypal.me Donation option
  113. Promo / Announcement Bar
  114. SEO Ready URL
  115. Course Certificate & Download Option
  116. Facebook Messenger Chat Bubble
  117. SiteMap
  118. WhatsApp Chat Button
  119. PDF reader
  120. Color option settings
  121. Bootstrap 4 Framework
  122. Owl Carousel 2
  123. W3C Valid Markup
  124. Based on 1170px grid
  125. Smooth Transition Effects
  126. Font Awesome Icons
  127. Documentation Include
  128. YouTube Videos Available For Project Setup
  129. Unique and Exclusive Idea
  130. Unique and Creative Project
  131. Clean Code and Clean Design

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call/WhatsApp : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 3 months support included

Online Dating Platform website with Android & IOS APP

Complete Dating App (Android and iOS versions of apps) with rich features and Web version. With Dating App people can find new friends and communicate in real time, make gifts to each other, and much more. Responsive website version will allow users of other operating systems (example: Windows Mobile, iOS, PC) using your resource.

Key Features :

  1.  User profiles, photos
  2. Private photos
  3. Browse users nearby or find them in your city
  4. Encounters
  5. Spotlight
  6. Public and private groups
  7. Custom profile fields editor
  8. Custom sex/gender options
  9. Photo moderation
  10. Connections: likes, mutual likes, guests
  11. Messaging, attachments (photos)
  12. Gifts (multiple categories support)
  13. Premium features like raising up in search or incognito mode, prioritized messages
  14. Payment integration (Stripe, PayPal, Robokassa)
  15. Administration area
  16. Moderators area (same as admin area, but with limitations)
  17. Reports system
  18. Blocks system
  19. News system
  20. Structured help page module
  21. Responsive retina template
  22. Plugins system
  23. Theme customization (create your own theme or extend from existing one)
  24. RTL support (main theme)
  25. Dark mode support (main theme)
  26. Languages support: english (by default), spanish, italian, german, russian, french
  27. Language editor: add your own languages in admin area
  28. GDPR-related: profile data export (HTML or JSON); ability to delete data

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call/WhatsApp : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 3 months support included

Online Job Portal Script with Android & IOS APP

This Job Portal Scrpt is a complete Job Portal solution build on PHP Laravel Framework. It’s a complete script that is looking for building Job Portal websites or Recruitment websites for Job Seekers, Employers, Job Search, Candidate Resumes, and Profiles.

Features :

  1. Job Seeker
  2. Manage Resume
  3. Job Provider
  4. Administrator
  5. Job Search

Job Seeker

This module contains details about Job Seeker, i.e. employee or un-employee details. Like employee name, email, experience. Here employee can do update, modify and delete. He can update experience and skills, portfolio andeducation details also.

Job Provider / Company

This module having information about job provider and requirement details, which client recruiting the employees, and what based them recruiting the employees? Here client releasing the primary skills, experience, no. of vacancies, opening date and closing date.


The administrator module having all privileges about this entire project, he can update, delete, and modify the details about job seeker, job provider, CMS, Job attributes, Admin users etc. Administrator maintain the client and job seeker database, where ever client is releasing their requirements( vacancies) with particular primary skills and experience, on that time administrator search for job seekers, who are having that primary skills and experience.

Job Search

This module having all current vacant jobs, experience and which client offering that vacancy.



After registration job seeker can perform following actions:

  1. Free Registration
  2. Created Profile
  3. Edit profile
  4. Create Online Resume
    1. Add Projects
    2. Add Experience
    3. Add Education
    4. Add Skills
    5. Add Languages
  5. Upload Multiple Resume
  6. Apply on Jobs
  7. Search Jobs
  8. Job Alerts
  9. Manage Applied Jobs
  10. Mark Job as Favourite
  11. View Favourite Jobs
  12. Filter Jobs
  13. View Companies to Following list
  14. View Followings
  15. Send Message to Candidates
  16. View Messages


Job provider’s (Companies) can perform following action:

  1. Free Registration
  2. Created Profile
  3. Edit profile
  4. Employer Packages
  5. Post Jobs
  6. Manage Posted Jobs
  7. Edit or Delete Jobs
  8. Manage Applied Candidates
  9. Shortlist Candidates
  10. Manage Shortlised candidates
  11. Search Resume
  12. Filter Resume
  13. View Candidates Profile
  14. Download Resumes
  15. View Followers
  16. Send Message to Candidates
  17. View Messages from Candidates


Administrator can manage whole website:

  1. Admin users
  2. Manage Jobs
  3. Manage Companies
  4. Manage Seekers
  5. Manage Content Pages
  6. Manage SEO
  7. Manage FAQ
  8. Manage Blog
  9. Manage Testimonials
  10. Manage Site Languages
  11. Manage locations
    1. Countries
    2. Countries Detail
    3. States
    4. Cities
  12. Manage Employer Packages
  13. Manage Seeker Packages
  14. Manage Site Settings
  15. Manage Job Attributes
    1. Language Levels
    2. Career Levels
    3. Functional Areas
    4. Genders
    5. Industries
    6. Job Experiences
    7. Job Skills
    8. Job Titles
    9. Job Types
    10. Job Shifts
    11. Degree Levels
    12. Degree Types
    13. Major Subjects
    14. Result Types
    15. Marital Statuses
    16. Ownership Types
    17. Salary Periods

For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

Call/WhatsApp : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  • Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  • Future product updates
  • Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  • Lowest price guarantee
  • 3 months support included