Online Loan management system project in Python Django

Buy Project Code ₹701

A loan management application built with Django, SQLite3, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap 5. The system enables customers to request loans after registration, with admin approval. Customers can make monthly loan payments, and both customers and admins have dedicated dashboards.



  1. User Registration: Customers must register before requesting loans.

  2. Loan Requests: Customers can request loans, pending admin approval.

  3. Admin Approval: Admins can approve or reject customer loan requests.

  4. Loan Payments: Customers can make monthly loan payments.

  5. Dashboards: Both customers and admins have access to dedicated dashboards.



  1. Register as a customer to request loans.
  2. Admins approve or reject loan requests in the admin dashboard.
  3. Customers can make monthly loan payments through the application.
  4. Both customers and admins have dashboards for efficient management.

Django Installation Steps :-

  1. Install Python 3.8
  2. Install all dependencies cmd -python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  3. Finally run cmd - python runserver


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