Online Book Store Project in Spring Boot with Source Code

The Book Store Management System is a web-based application that allows users to browse, search, and purchase books online. It provides a user-friendly interface for customers to explore the bookstore's catalog, add items to their cart, and complete transactions securely. Additionally, the system offers administrative capabilities for managing inventory, processing orders, and monitoring sales.

The primary purpose of this project is to develop a robust and scalable web application using Spring Boot framework that facilitates the management of a book store. The system aims to streamline various processes involved in operating a bookstore, including inventory management, customer transactions, and administrative tasks.

1. Objectives

  1. Develop a responsive and intuitive web application for managing bookstore operations.
  2. Implement secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect sensitive data.
  3. Provide an extensive catalog of books with robust search and filtering capabilities.
  4. Enable customers to add items to their shopping cart, proceed to checkout, and make payments securely.
  5. Empower administrators with tools for managing inventory, processing orders, and generating reports.
  6. Ensure scalability and maintainability of the system to accommodate future growth and enhancements.

2. Technologies Used

  1. Spring Boot
  2. Spring MVC
  3. Spring Data JPA
  4. Thymeleaf (for front-end templating)
  5. H2 database
  6. Maven (for dependency management)
  7. Git (version control)

4. Features

  1. User authentication and authorization
  2. Browse books by category, author, or title
  3. Add, edit, or delete books
  4. Search functionality
  5. Shopping cart management
  6. Checkout process
  7. Order history
  8. Admin panel for managing books and users

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Online Medical Shop Project in Spring boot, JPA and Mysql

Buy Source Code ₹1501 is an online pharmacy. It is a Spring Boot application. It allows ordering medicines. For the administrator role, it provides all CRUD functions like managing categories, products, and users.

In the introduction section of your project report for the online medical shop developed using Spring Boot, JPA, and MySQL, you'll want to provide a comprehensive overview of the project, including its background, motivation, purpose, and scope. Here's how you can structure it:

In today's digital era, the integration of technology in various sectors has transformed traditional processes, bringing about efficiency and convenience. The healthcare industry is no exception, witnessing a paradigm shift towards digital platforms to streamline processes and improve accessibility to medical services and products. In line with this trend, the development of an online medical shop offers a solution to meet the evolving needs of both consumers and healthcare providers.

A. Admin Module

  1. Log In
  2. Product add ,delete, edit , update.
  3. Order details.
  4. User Details

B. User Module

  1. Log In/Sign Up
  2. View the details .
  3. Cart.
  4. Purchase.
  5. order.
  6. Checkout
  7. Payment


Used technologies:

  1. Spring Framework
  2. Spring Boot
  3. Spring Security
  4. Spring Data JPA
  5. PostgreSQL
  6. Lombok
  7. Log4j
  8. HTML
  9. CSS
  10. Bootstrap

Online Book Store Project in Python Django

This Online Book Store  Project in Django created based on python, Django, and SQLITE3 Database. The Online Book Store System is a simple project similar like shopping cart or ecommerce  but is only for book shopping. Categories wise books available its very good project for Final Year student academic Purpose. This project built with django framework and it's allows users to search and purchase book online based on category, author and subject.

This Online Book Store  Project in Django  Framework, Also includes a Download Source Code for free, just find the downloadable source code below and click download now.

Admin Features of Online Book Store  Project in Django

  1. Dashboard – For the admin dashboard, you will be able to all the basic access in the whole system. Such as summary of products, orders, and the categories.
  2. Manage Books– The admin has access to the books management information system. He can add, update and delete the books.
  3. Manage Categories – The page where the admin can add, edit and delete categories information.
  4. Manage Orders – As the main functions of the admin, the admin can accept or reject the order from the customers on a case to case basis and the list of customer orders are listed.
  5. Manage User– The admin can manage the user’s account. Admin can add, update and Block user in the system.
  6. Login and Logout – By default one of the security features of this system is the secure login and logout system.

Customer Features of Online Book Store  Project in Django

  1. Login Page – Customer enter their website credentials on this page to gain access in order to log in.
  2. Register Page– The page where new customer created their login credentials for the website.
  3. Home Page– When customer visit the website, this is the system’s default page. This page shows the books for sale in the store, or by entering a keyword in the search box above the books.
  4. Book View Page – The page on which the product’s specific information is shown, as well as the page on which the customer adds the product to his or her cart.
  5. Cart List Page– The page that lists the items that customer have chosen. This is the page where the customer can complete the order checkout process.
  6. My Order Page – The page that lists the customer’s orders.
  7. bcash and Credit Card Payments – This Online Book Store  Project in Django in Django has a payment method that uses Paypal and Credit Card Payments.

Installation Steps : Online Book Store  Project in Django

  1. Download and extract File
  2. goto Project directory and open cmd
  3. install Requirement package - python -m pip install –-user -r requirements.txt
  4. run project - python runserver 

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