Online Book Store Project in Spring Boot with Source Code

The Book Store Management System is a web-based application that allows users to browse, search, and purchase books online. It provides a user-friendly interface for customers to explore the bookstore's catalog, add items to their cart, and complete transactions securely. Additionally, the system offers administrative capabilities for managing inventory, processing orders, and monitoring sales.

The primary purpose of this project is to develop a robust and scalable web application using Spring Boot framework that facilitates the management of a book store. The system aims to streamline various processes involved in operating a bookstore, including inventory management, customer transactions, and administrative tasks.

1. Objectives

  1. Develop a responsive and intuitive web application for managing bookstore operations.
  2. Implement secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect sensitive data.
  3. Provide an extensive catalog of books with robust search and filtering capabilities.
  4. Enable customers to add items to their shopping cart, proceed to checkout, and make payments securely.
  5. Empower administrators with tools for managing inventory, processing orders, and generating reports.
  6. Ensure scalability and maintainability of the system to accommodate future growth and enhancements.

2. Technologies Used

  1. Spring Boot
  2. Spring MVC
  3. Spring Data JPA
  4. Thymeleaf (for front-end templating)
  5. H2 database
  6. Maven (for dependency management)
  7. Git (version control)

4. Features

  1. User authentication and authorization
  2. Browse books by category, author, or title
  3. Add, edit, or delete books
  4. Search functionality
  5. Shopping cart management
  6. Checkout process
  7. Order history
  8. Admin panel for managing books and users

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Online Pizza Ordering System Spring Boot Project

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This Project Online Pizza Ordering System has been developed in  Java Spring Boot and Mysql.

The introduction section of your project report for the online pizza ordering system should provide readers with a clear understanding of the background, objectives, and scope of the project.  In today's fast-paced world, online food ordering systems have become increasingly popular, providing convenience and efficiency for both customers and businesses. With the widespread adoption of internet-enabled devices, customers now expect the ability to order their favorite meals with just a few clicks or taps. In line with this trend, our project aims to develop an Online Pizza Ordering System using Spring Boot, a modern framework for building Java-based applications.

A. Admin Module

  1. Log In
  2. Product add ,delete, edit , update.
  3. User edit, delete.
  4. Order details.

B. User Module

  1. Log In/Sign Up
  2. View the details .
  3. cart.
  4. Purchase.
  5. order

Technology Used in the project

  1. We have developed this project using the below technology
  2. Backend : Spring Boot, Spring MVC, JAVA
  3. Frontend : JSP, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT
  4. Styling : Bootstrap
  5. Database : Mysql
  6. Server : Embeded Tomcat server

Admin Credential

username: admin
password: fun123