GST Billing Project in Python Django with Source Code

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GST invoice is a bill or receipt of items sent or services that a seller or service provider offers to a customer. It specifically lists out the services/products, along with the total amount due. One can check a GST invoice to determine said product or service prices before CGST and SGST are levied on them.

What is a GST bill? As a GST registered dealer, you are required to provide GST Invoices, also known as bills to your clients. An invoice or a bill is a list of goods sent or services provided, along with the amount due for payment. You can create GST compliant invoices FREE of cost using ClearTax Billing Software.

Simplest GST Billing Project in Python Django .

Features :

  • Easily create invoices
  • Manage inventory
  • Keep books and track balances
  • Print Bill.
  • Automatic Tax Calculation.
  • Automatic Gst Calculation.

Installation Steps: 

  • cmd -  virtualenv -p python3 venv
  • cmd-  source venv/bin/activate
  • cmd-  pip install -r requirements.txt
  • cmd  - python migrate
  • cmd  -python runserver

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Android GST Billing Project with Source Code

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Android GST Billing Project  is GST billing solution. The system enables you to add products and items, create customers and users, and generate as many invoices, receipts and quotes as you want.

The system provides some other awesome features which include instant invoice calculations for items, quantity, , Taxes / VAT and total without any extra effort. I build this app to android app sqlite database used.


  • Easy  Layout.
  • Generate Invoices and receipts PDF Support
  • Unique bill numbers
  • Functionality to create invoice item each time or choose from database.
  • Functionality to choose  TAX.
  • Generate downloadable PDf  files
  • And lot more...

Technology, Tools and Plugin Used

  • Android Studio
  • Windows 10


compileSdkVersion 25
buildToolsVersion "25.0.2"
minSdkVersion 15
targetSdkVersion 25

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