Rice Leaf Disease Prediction System using Deep Learning Flask Web App

Buy Source Code ₹1501

Rice Leaf Disease Identification is a deep learning project aimed at detecting and classifying diseases in rice leaves using computer vision techniques. The project utilizes transfer learning with the ResNet152V2 model, incorporating an attention layer to focus on important parts of the image. The dataset used for training the model contains approximately 2600 images belonging to six different classes.


The dataset used for training the model is sourced from Kaggle and contains images of rice leaves affected by different diseases. You can access the dataset here.

Model Training

The deep learning model is trained using transfer learning techniques with the ResNet152V2 architecture. Transfer learning allows leveraging pre-trained models on large datasets and fine-tuning them for specific tasks. In this project, the ResNet152V2 model is fine-tuned on the rice leaf disease dataset to classify different types of diseases.


The model is trained to classify rice leaf images into the following disease classes:

  • Healthy
  • Brown spot
  • Leaf blast
  • Bacterial leaf blight
  • Leaf scald
  • Narrow brown spot


The trained model is deployed using Flask, a lightweight Python web framework. It accepts images of rice leaves as input and identifies the disease present in the leaf.

How to Install

To use the deployed model:

  1. Download Code .
  2. Install the required dependencies specified in the requirements.txt file.
  3. Run the Flask application.
  4. Upload an image of a rice leaf to the application.
  5. The application will predict the disease present in the leaf and display the result.

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SMS Spam Detection Machine Learning Project with Source Code

Buy Source Code ₹1501

SMS Spam Detection Machine Learning Project which predicts whether the message is a spam or not. SMS Spam Collection dataset from Kaggle was used to classify the messages into 2 classes- Ham(1) and Spam(0) using stemming, Bag of Words model and Naive Bayes Classifiers.

Note:The dataset is an unbalanced dataset and therefore, for this situation the role of Precision becomes quite important.Precision is more focused in the positive class than in the negative class, it actually measures the probability of correct detection of positive values,

Consider the following case scenario -'suppose if the message is not a spam and if it's been predicted by the model as a spam, the consumer is going to miss that message.' So, for this type of unbalanced dataset, precision defined as {TP/(TP+FP)} plays an important role along with accuracy_score. My objective was to reduce the FP(False Positive) value as much as possible for this case and in order to overcome this issue, Naive Bayes classifiers namely, MultinomiallNB and BernoulliNB were implemented to get best accuracy_score and precision_score from the dataset.

The code is written in Python 3.6.10. If you don't have Python installed, you can find it here. If you are using a lower version of Python you can upgrade using the pip package, ensuring you have the latest version of pip. To install the required packages and libraries, run this command in the project directory after downloading the code:

About Datasets :

The original dataset can be found here. The creators would like to note that in case you find the dataset useful, please make a reference to previous paper and the web page: http://www.dt.fee.unicamp.br/~tiago/smsspamcollection/ in your papers, research, etc.

We offer a comprehensive study of this corpus in the following paper. This work presents a number of statistics, studies and baseline results for several machine learning methods.

Almeida, T.A., Gómez Hidalgo, J.M., Yamakami, A. Contributions to the Study of SMS Spam Filtering: New Collection and Results. Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DOCENG'11), Mountain View, CA, USA, 2011.

Running the web app


  • Install requirements
    pip install -r requirements.txt --user
  • Run flask web app
    python app.py

Worker Management System Project Laravel and Android ios

Worker Management System, Admin can create their workers, can create their schedules in calendar, can manage their working hours & holidays. A Complete report of their working hour with checkin & checkout timing. Push notifications to users, Document managements etc. A Worker Management System with Laravel for the backend and Android & iOS for the frontend is an efficient solution to manage workers, tasks, and projects in an organization. Laravel, a powerful PHP framework, provides the backend infrastructure, while Android and iOS platforms offer native mobile applications for smooth user experiences on mobile devices.

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For Live Demo & Enquiry  :

WhatsApps : +916263056779

Email : official@projectworlds.in

Script Come With :

  •  Free Installation support
  • Free technical support
  •  Future product updates
  •  Quality checked by PROJECTWORLDS
  •  Lowest price guarantee
  •  3 months support included

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  201. An Adaptive System For Standardized Test Preparation Artificial Intelligence projects
  202. Single Molecule Biophysics Artificial Intelligence For Automated Data Processing Artificial Intelligence projects
  203. Understanding Comments Submitted to FCC on Net Neutrality Artificial Intelligence projects
  204. Direct Data-Driven Methods for Decision Making under Uncertainty Artificial Intelligence project
  205. From Food To Winev
  206. Classifying Legal Questions into Topic Areas Using Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence projects
  207. Predicting Hit Songs with MIDI Musical Featuresv
  208. Artificial Intelligence Methods for Biological Data Curation Artificial Intelligence projects
  209. Classifying Forest Cover Type using Cartographic Features Artificial Intelligence projects
  210. Peer Lending Risk Predictorv
  211. Learning Distributed Representations of Phrases Artificial Intelligence projects
  212. Estimation Of Word Representations Using Recurrent Neural Networks And Its Application In Generating Business Fingerprints Artificial Intelligence projects
  213. Gender Identification by Voice Artificial Intelligence projects
  214. Applications Of Artificial Intelligence To Predict Yelp Ratings Artificial Intelligence projects
  215. Methodology for Sparse Classification Learning Arrhythmia Artificial Intelligence projects
  216. Predicting March Madness Artificial Intelligence projects
  217. Net Neutrality Language Analysis Artificial Intelligence projects
  218. Characterizing Atrial Fibrillation Burden for Stroke Prevention Artificial Intelligence projects
  219. Predict Seizures in Intracranial EEG Recordings Artificial Intelligence projects
  220. Automated Music Track Generation Artificial Intelligence projects
  221. Characterizing Overlapping Galaxies Artificial Intelligence projects
  222. Understanding Player Positions in the NBA Artificial Intelligence projects
  223. Cross-Domain Product Classification with Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence projects
  224. Predicting Heart Attacks Artificial Intelligence projects
  225. Prediction of Bike Sharing Demand for Casual and Registered Users Artificial Intelligence projects
  226. Classification Of Arrhythmia Using ECG Data Artificial Intelligence projects
  227. What Can You Learn From Accelerometer Data Artificial Intelligence projects
  228. Speaker Recognition for Multi-Source Single-Channel Recordings Artificial Intelligence projects
  229. Prediction of consumer credit risk Artificial Intelligence projects
  230. Artificial Intelligence for Network Intrusion Detection Artificial Intelligence projects
  231. Predicting Paper Counts in the Biological Sciences Artificial Intelligence projects
  232. Prediction of Price Increase for MTG Cards Artificial Intelligence projects
  233. Twitter Classification into the Amazon Browse Node Hierarchy Artificial Intelligence projects
  234. Determining Mood From Facial Expressions Artificial Intelligence projects
  235. Visualizing Personalized Cancer Risk Prediction Artificial Intelligence projects
  236. Predicting the Total Number of Points Scored in NFL Games Artificial Intelligence projects
  237. Short Term Power Forecasting Of Solar PV Systems Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques Artificial Intelligence projects
  238. Star-Galaxy Separation in the Era of Precision Cosmology Artificial Intelligence projects
  239. Artist Attribution via Song Lyrics Artificial Intelligence projects
  240. Accelerometer Gesture Recognition Artificial Intelligence projects
  241. Arrythmia Classification for Heart Attack Prediction Artificial Intelligence projects
  242. #ML#NLP-Autonomous Tagging Of Stack Overflow Posts Artificial Intelligence projects
  243. Scheduling Tasks Under Constraints Artificial Intelligence projects
  244. Classification Of Beatles Authorshipv
  245. Classification of Accents of English Speakers by Native Language Artificial Intelligence projects
  246. Exposing commercial value in social networks matching online communities and businesses Artificial Intelligence projects
  247. Hacking the genome Artificial Intelligence projects
  248. How Hot Will It Get Modeling Scientific Discourse About Literature Artificial Intelligence projects
  249. Permeability Prediction of 3-D Binary Segmented Images Using Neural Networks Artificial Intelligence projects
  250. Automated Identification of Artist Given Unknown Paintings and Quantification of Artistic Style Artificial Intelligence projects
  251. Predicting Lecture Video Complexity Artificial Intelligence projects
  252. Result Prediction of Wikipedia Administrator Elections based ondNetwork Features Artificial Intelligence projects
  253. Predicting The Treatment Status Artificial Intelligence projects
  254. Error Detection based on neural signals Artificial Intelligence projects
  255. Speech Similarity Artificial Intelligence projects
  256. Data-Driven Modeling and Control of an Autonomous Race Car Artificial Intelligence projects
  257. Predicting the Diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Using Electronic Medical Records Artificial Intelligence projects
  258. A Novel Approach to Predicting the Results of NBA Matches Artificial Intelligence projects
  259. Automatically Generating Musical Playlists Artificial Intelligence projects
  260. Solar Flare Prediction Artificial Intelligence projects
  261. Application of Artificial Intelligence techniques for well pad identification inathe Bakken oil fielda Artificial Intelligence projects
  262. Anomaly Detection in Bitcoin Network Using Unsupervised Learning Methods Artificial Intelligence projects
  263. Two-step Semi-supervised Approach for Music Structural Classificiation Artificial Intelligence projects
  264. Domain specific sentiment analysis using cross-domain data Artificial Intelligence projects
  265. Instrumental Solo Generator Artificial Intelligence projects
  266. Cross-Domain Text Understanding in Online SocialData Artificial Intelligence projects
  267. From Paragraphs to Vectors and Back Again Artificial Intelligence projects
  268. HandwritingRecognition Artificial Intelligence projects
  269. Chemical Identification with Chemical Sensor Arrays Artificial Intelligence projects
  270. Genre Classification Using Graph Representations of Music Artificial Intelligence projects
  271. Collaborative Filtering Recommender Systems Artificial Intelligence projects
  272. Detecting The Direction Of Sound With A Compact Microphone Array Artificial Intelligence projects
  273. Finding Undervalued Stocks With Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence project
  274. Multilevel Local Search Algorithms for Modularity Clustering Artificial Intelligence projects
  275. Automated Detection and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmias Artificial Intelligence projects
  276. Predicting Kidney Cancer Survival From Genomic Data Artificial Intelligence projects
  277. Multiclass Sentiment Analysis of Movie Reviews Artificial Intelligence projects
  278. Classification and Regression Approaches to Predicting US Senate Elections Artificial Intelligence projects
  279. Learning from Quantified Self Data Artificial Intelligence projects
  280. Predict Influencers in the Social Network Artificial Intelligence projects
  281. Bias Detector Artificial Intelligence projects
  282. Constructing Personal Networks Through Communication History Artificial Intelligence projects
  283. Modeling Protein Interactions Using Bayesian Networks Artificial Intelligence projects
  284. Topic Analysis of the FCC’s Public Comments on Net Neutrality Artificial Intelligence projects
  285. Predicting Hospital Readmissions Artificial Intelligence projects
  286. Analyzing Positional Play in Chess Using Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence projects
  287. Yelp Restaurants’ Open Hours Artificial Intelligence projects
  288. Identifying Arrhythmia from Electrocardiogram Data Artificial Intelligence projects
  289. Diagnosing and Segmenting Brain Tumors and Phenotypes using MRI Scans M
  290. chine Learning projects
  291. Exploring the Genetic Basis of Congenital Heart Defects Artificial Intelligence projects
  292. Attribution of Contested and Anonymous Ancient Greek Works Artificial Intelligence projects
  293. Object Detection for Semantic SLAM using Convolutional Neural Networks Artificial Intelligence projects
  294. Sentiment as a Predictor of Wikipedia Editor Activity Artificial Intelligence projects
  295. Blowing Up The Twittersphere- Predicting the Optimal Time to Tweet Artificial Intelligence projects
  296. Evergreen Classification_ Exploring New Features Artificial Intelligence projects
  297. Detecting Lane Departures Using Weak Visual Features Artificial Intelligence projects
  298. Re-clustering of Constellations through Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence projects
  299. Application of Neural Network In Handwriting Recognition Artificial Intelligence projects
  300. Recognition and Classification of Fast Food Images Artificial Intelligence projects
  301. Reduced Order Greenhouse Gas Flaring Estimation Artificial Intelligence projects
  302. Blood Pressure Detection from PPG Artificial Intelligence projects
  303. Predicting Low Voltage Events on Rural Micro-Grids in Tanzania Artificial Intelligence projects
  304. Amazon Employee Access Control System_Updated_Version Artificial Intelligence projects
  305. Prediction Onset Epileptic Artificial Intelligence projects
  306. Evaluating Pinch Quality of Underactuated Robotic Hands Artificial Intelligence projects
  307. Reinforcement Learning With Deeping Learning in Pacman Artificial Intelligence projects
  308. Language identification and accent variation detection in spoken language recordings Artificial Intelligence projects
  309. Enhancing Cortana User Experience Using Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence projects
  310. Who Matters Artificial Intelligence projects
  311. Predicting Heart Attacks Artificial Intelligence projects
  312. Predicting Seizures in Intracranial EEG Recordings Artificial Intelligence projects
  313. tructural Health Monitoring in Extreme Events from Artificial Intelligence Perspective Artificial Intelligence projects
  314. On-line Kernel Learning for Active Sensor Networks Artificial Intelligence projects
  315. ECommerce Sales Prediction Using Listing Keywords Artificial Intelligence projects
  316. Review Scheduling for Maximum Long-Term Retention of Knowledge Artificial Intelligence projects
  317. Adaptive Spaced Repetition Artificial Intelligence projects
  318. Do a Barrel Roll Artificial Intelligence projects
  319. Oil Field Production using Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence projects
  320. Predicting Success for Musical Artists through Network and Quantitative Data Artificial Intelligence projects
  321. Better Models for Prediction of Bond Prices Artificial Intelligence projects
  322. Classifying the Brain 27s Motor Activity via Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence projects
  323. Prediction of Bike Rentals Artificial Intelligence projects
  324. Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Based on White Matter Attributes Artificial Intelligence projects
  325. MoralMachines- Developing a Crowdsourced Moral Framework for Autonomous Vehicle Decisions Artificial Intelligence projects
  326. Context Specific Sequence Preference Of DNA Binding Proteins Artificial Intelligence projects
  327. Predicting Reddit Post Popularity ViaInitial Commentary Artificial Intelligence projects
  328. Artificial Intelligence for Continuous Human Action Recognition Artificial Intelligence projects
  329. Predicting Pace Based on Previous Training Runs Artificial Intelligence projects
  330. Probabilistic Driving Models and Lane Change Prediction Artificial Intelligence projects
  331. Multiple Sensor Indoor Mapping Using a Mobile Robot Artificial Intelligence projects
  332. Bone Segmentation MRI Scans Artificial Intelligence projects
  333. #Rechorder Anticipating Music Motifs In Real Time Artificial Intelligence projects
  334. Prediction and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia Artificial Intelligence projects
  335. Predicting DJIA Movements from the Fluctuation of a Subset of Stocks Artificial Intelligence projects
  336. Sentiment Analysis for Hotel Reviews Artificial Intelligence projects
  337. Mood Detection with Tweets Artificial Intelligence projects
  338. Comparison of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis Artificial Intelligence projects
  339. Object Recognition in Images Artificial Intelligence projects
  340. 3D Scene Retrieval from Text Artificial Intelligence projects
  341. Predicting Breast Cancer Survival Using Treatment and Patient Factors Artificial Intelligence projects
  342. Parking Occupancy Prediction and Pattern Analysis Artificial Intelligence projects
  343. Supervised DeepLearning For MultiClass Image Classification Artificial Intelligence projects
  344. User Behaviors Across Domains Artificial Intelligence projects
  345. Seizure forecasting Artificial Intelligence projects
  346. Stock Trend Prediction with Technical Indicators using SVM Artificial Intelligence projects
  347. Predicting Usefulness of Yelp Reviews Artificial Intelligence projects
  348. Multiclass Classifier Building with Amazon Data to Classify Customer Reviews into Product Categories Artificial Intelligence projects
  349. An Energy Efficient Seizure Prediction Algorithm Artificial Intelligence projects
  350. Classifier Comparisons On Credit Approval Prediction Artificial Intelligence projects
  351. Appliance Based Model for Energy Consumption Segmentation Artificial Intelligence projects
  352. analysis on 1s1r array Artificial Intelligence projects
  353. Phishing Detection System Using Artificial Intelligence a
  354. Self Driving car project using Artificial Intelligence
  355. OpenCV Python Neural Network Autonomous RC C
  356. Stock prediction using sentimental analysis – Artificial Intelligence projects
  357. Illness Tracker | Final Year Project
  358. Artificial Intelligence neural network JAVA PROJECTS
  359. Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Neural Network
  360. Detecting Phishing Websites using Artificial Intelligence Technique
  361. Artificial Intelligence Final Project: Classification of Neural Responses to Threat
  362. A Computer Aided Diagnosis System for Lung Cancer Detection using Machine
  363. Prediction of Diabetes and cancer using SVM
  364. Efficient Heart Disease Prediction System


Android Project Ideas & Topics For Beginners to Advanced

Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on a modified version of the Linux kernel and other open source software and designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

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Over 72% of smartphones on the earth work on Android OS. Additionally android OS allows companies /institutes /organizations to develop customized android apps to interact with their customers/students/followers 24/7 through android apps. A wide variety of successful online business ideas can be developed using android apps. Projectworlds compiles the best android projects for students and app ideas to start your online business.

  1. Android topic on Android Vehicle Tracking with Speed Limiting
  2. Android topic on Android based QR Parking Booking
  3. Android topic on Multi Restaurant Food Ordering & Management System
  4. Android topic on Android Smart Ticketing System using RFID
  5. Android topic on Financial Status Analysis Using Credit Score Rating Based On Android
  6. Android topic on Android Query Generator
  7. Android topic on Android Attendance System Using RFID
  8. Android topic on Android General Knowledge Chatbot
  9. Android topic on Android Based Self Attendance System Using OTP
  10. Android topic on Android Vehicle Toll Payment System
  11. Android topic on Android Task Monitoring
  12. Android topic on Automated Canteen Ordering System using Android
  13. Android topic on RFID Based Automatic Traffic Violation Ticketing
  14. Android topic on Android Based Visual Product Identification For The Blind
  15. Android topic on Android Offloading Computation Over Cloud
  16. Android topic on Railway Ticket Booking System Using QR Codes
  17. Android topic on Secure Digi Locker Application
  18. Android topic on Android Campus Recruitment System
  19. Android topic on Android File Manager Application Project
  20. Android topic on Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired
  21. Android topic on Your Personal Nutritionist Using FatSecret API
  22. Android topic on Mobile Based Attendance System
  23. Android topic on Pill Reminder and Medication Tracker using OCR
  24. Android topic on Face Detection Using Mobile Vision API
  25. Android topic on Child Monitoring System App
  26. Android topic on Floating Camera Widget Android
  27. Android topic on Android Geo Fencing App Project
  28. Android topic on Railway Ticket Booking System Using Qr Code
  29. Android topic on Restaurant Table Booking Android Application
  30. Android topic on Secure File Sharing Using Access Control
  31. Android topic on Android Video Encryption & Sharing
  32. Android topic on Android Expiry Reminder App Using OCR
  33. Android topic on Android Step Counter App
  34. Android topic on Android Boat Crossing Game App
  35. Android topic on Calorie Calculator & Suggester Android App
  36. Android topic on Android Text Encryption Using Various Algorithms
  37. Android topic on Android Smart Ticketing Using Rfid
  38. Android topic on Android Battery Saver System
  39. Android topic on Android Based Encrypted SMS System
  40. Android topic on Advanced Tour Guide
  41. Android topic on Android Attendance System
  42. Android topic on Public News Droid
  43. Android topic on Fingerprint Authenticated Secure Android Notes
  44. Android topic on Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating
  45. Android topic on Android Smart City Traveler
  46. Android topic on Android Campus Portal With Graphical Reporting
  47. Android topic on Mobile Wallet With Merchant Payment Using Android
  48. Android topic on Android Crime Reporter & Missing Person Finder
  49. Android topic on Android Graphical Image Password Project
  50. Android topic on Android Based School Bus Tracking System
  51. Android topic on Android Based Vehicle Tracking Project
  52. Android topic on Android Based Electronic Appliance Comparison Project
  53. Android topic on Android Musical Instrument Store Project
  54. Android topic on Android Book Store Project
  55. Android topic on Android Smart Alarm System
  56. Android topic on Android Customer Relationship Management App
  57. Android topic on Geo Trends Classification Over Maps Android
  58. Android topic on Android Graphical Information System
  59. Android topic on PC Control By Android Over Internet
  60. Android topic on Android Phone Theft Security With GPS Tracking
  61. Android topic on Smart Android Graphical Password Strategy
  62. Android topic on Android Group Expense Tracker Application
  63. Android topic on Smart Health Consulting Android System
  64. Android topic on Android Sentence Framer Application
  65. Android topic on Android Expense Tracker
  66. Android topic on Android Multi Layer Pattern Locking Project
  67. Android topic on Android Based Universal Ticketing Project
  68. Android topic on Android Civil Administration Reporting Project
  69. Android topic on Student Faculty Document Sharing Android Project
  70. Android topic on Android Local Train Ticketing Project
  71. Android topic on Android Patient Tracker
  72. Android topic on Android Pc Controller Using Wifi
  73. Android topic on Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile Gps Tracking
  74. Android topic on Android Customer Relationship Management System
  75. Android topic on Android Employee Tracker
  76. Android topic on Android – PC Chatting & Image Sharing System
  77. Android topic on Android Tourist Guide Project
  78. Android topic on Android AI Diet Consultant
  79. Android topic on Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture
  80. Android topic on Android Blood Bank
  81. Android topic on Mobile Quiz Through WiFi Project
  82. Android topic on Wireless Indoor Positioning System
  83. Android topic on Android Voting System
  84. Android topic on Bus Pass Android Project
  85. Android topic on Hotel Reservation Android
  86. Android topic on Android Bluetooth Chat
  87. Android topic on Android Based Parking Booking System
  88. Android topic on Photo Viewer Android Project
  89. Android topic on Android File finder and Sorting
  90. Android topic on Android Inventory Tracker
  91. Android topic on Android Places Finder Project
  92. Android topic on Android Electricity Bill Payment Project
  93. Android topic on Android Tour & Travel Agency Project
  94. Android topic on Android Law System Project
  95. Android topic on Wifi Library Book Locator Project
  96. Android topic on Grocery Shopping Android
  97. Android topic on Android Based Furniture Shopping
  98. Android topic on Android location Alarm
  99. Android topic on Medical Search Engine Project
  100. Android topic on Android Joystick Application
  101. Android topic on Mobile Attendance System Project
  102. Android topic on College Selector App
  103. Android topic on Android Dabbawala Project
  104. Android topic on Intelligent Tourist System Project
  105. Android topic on Android Merchant Application Using Qr
  106. Android topic on Android Vehicle Tracking Application
  107. Android topic on University Referencing of Bibliography Android With Barcode Scan
  108. Android topic on For Electronics/Communication
  109. Android topic on Android Powered Juice Vending Machine
  110. Android topic on Smart Floor Cleaner Robot Using Android
  111. Android topic on Motion Based Maze Solver Using Android
  112. Android topic on Wearable Health Monitoring System Project
  113. Android topic on Android Antenna Positioning System
  114. Android topic on Hovercraft Controlled By Android
  115. Android topic on DC Motor Speed Control By Android
  116. Android topic on Android Controlled Railway Level Gate Control
  117. Android topic on Voice Controlled Robotic Vehicle
  118. Android topic on Android Controlled Robotic Arm
  119. Android topic on Android Military Spying & Bomb Disposal Robot
  120. Android topic on Android Password Based Remote Door Opener System Project
  121. Android topic on Android Controlled Automobile
  122. Android topic on Voice Based Notice Board Using Android
  123. Android topic on Android Controlled Wildlife Observation Robot
  124. Android topic on Home Automation Using Android
  125. Android topic on Android Home Automation Using PIC
  126. Android topic on Voice Controlled Home Automation Using Android
  127. Android topic on Android Controlled Remote Password Security
  128. Android topic on Android Controlled Remote AC Power Control
  129. Android topic on Robot Controlled By Android Application
  130. Android topic on Home Appliance Control Using Android Application Project
  131. Android topic on Android Controlled Fire Fighter Robot
  132. Android topic on Android Controlled Based Spy Robot With Night Vision Camera
  133. Android topic on Android Controlled Pick And Place Robotic Arm Vehicle Project
  134. Android topic on Android Controlled Induction Motor with 7 segment display
  135. Android topic on Railway Ticket Booking System Using QR Codes
  136. Android topic on Secure Digi Locker Application
  137. Android topic on Android Campus Recruitment System
  138. Android topic on Android File Manager Application Project
  139. Android topic on Voice Assistant For Visually Impaired
  140. Android topic on Your Personal Nutritionist Using FatSecret API
  141. Android topic on Mobile Based Attendance System
  142. Android topic on Medical Helper Using OCR
  143. Android topic on Face Detection Using Mobile Vision API
  144. Android topic on Child Monitoring System App
  145. Android topic on Floating Camera Widget Android
  146. Android topic on Android Geo Fencing App Project
  147. Android topic on Railway Ticket Booking System Using Qr Code
  148. Android topic on Restaurant Table Booking Android Application
  149. Android topic on Secure File Sharing Using Access Control
  150. Android topic on Android Video Encryption & Sharing
  151. Android topic on Android Expiry Reminder App Using OCR
  152. Android topic on Android Step Counter App
  153. Android topic on Android Boat Crossing Game App
  154. Android topic on Calorie Calculator & Suggester Android App
  155. Android topic on Android Text Encryption Using Various Algorithms
  156. Android topic on Android Smart Ticketing Using Rfid
  157. Android topic on Android Battery Saver System
  158. Android topic on Android-Based Encrypted SMS System
  159. Android topic on Tour Guide
  160. Android topic on Android Attendance System
  161. Android topic on Public News Droid
  162. Android topic on Fingerprint Authenticated Secure Android Notes
  163. Android topic on Product Review Analysis For Genuine Rating
  164. Android topic on Android Smart City Traveler
  165. Android topic on Android Campus Portal With Graphical Reporting
  166. Android topic on Mobile Wallet With Merchant Payment Using Android
  167. Android topic on Android Crime Reporter & Missing Person Finder
  168. Android topic on Android Graphical Image Password Project
  169. Android topic on Android-Based School Bus Tracking System
  170. Android topic on Android-Based Vehicle Tracking Project
  171. Android topic on Android-Based Electronic Appliance Comparison Project
  172. Android topic on Android Musical Instrument Store Project
  173. Android topic on Android Book Store Project
  174. Android topic on Android Smart Alarm System
  175. Android topic on Android Customer Relationship Management App
  176. Android topic on Geo Trends Classification Over Maps Android
  177. Android topic on Android Graphical Information System
  178. Android topic on PC Control By Android Over Internet
  179. Android topic on Android Phone Theft Security With GPS Tracking
  180. Android topic on Smart Android Graphical Password Strategy
  181. Android topic on Android Group Expense Tracker Application
  182. Android topic on Smart Health Consulting Android System
  183. Android topic on Android Sentence Framer Application
  184. Android topic on Android Expense Tracker
  185. Android topic on Android Multi-Layer Pattern Locking Project
  186. Android topic on Android-Based Universal Ticketing Project
  187. Android topic on Android Civil Administration Reporting Project
  188. Android topic on Student-Faculty Document Sharing Android Project
  189. Android topic on Android Local Train Ticketing Project
  190. Android topic on Android Patient Tracker
  191. Android topic on Android Pc Controller Using Wifi
  192. Android topic on Vehicle Tracking Using Driver Mobile Gps Tracking
  193. Android topic on Android Customer Relationship Management System
  194. Android topic on Android Employee Tracker
  195. Android topic on Android – PC Chatting & Image Sharing System
  196. Android topic on Android Tourist Guide Project
  197. Android topic on Android AI Diet Consultant
  198. Android topic on Automated Payroll With GPS Tracking And Image Capture
  199. Android topic on Android Blood Bank
  200. Android topic on Mobile Quiz Through WiFi Project
  201. Android topic on Wireless Indoor Positioning System
  202. Android topic on Android Voting System
  203. Android topic on Bus Pass Android Project
  204. Android topic on Hotel Reservation Android
  205. Android topic on Android Bluetooth Chat
  206. Android topic on Android-Based Parking Booking System
  207. Android topic on Photo Viewer Android Project
  208. Android topic on Android File finder and Sorting
  209. Android topic on Android Inventory Tracker
  210. Android topic on Android Places Finder Project
  211. Android topic on Android Electricity Bill Payment Project
  212. Android topic on Android Tour & Travel Agency Project
  213. Android topic on Android Law System Project
  214. Android topic on Wifi Library Book Locator Project
  215. Android topic on Grocery Shopping Android
  216. Android topic on Android-Based Furniture Shopping
  217. Android topic on Android location Alarm
  218. Android topic on Medical Search Engine Project
  219. Android topic on Android Joystick Application
  220. Android topic on Mobile Attendance System Project
  221. Android topic on College Selector App
  222. Android topic on Android Dabbawala Project
  223. Android topic on Intelligent Tourist System Project
  224. Android topic on Android Merchant Application Using Qr
  225. Android topic on Android Vehicle Tracking Application
  226. Android topic on university Referencing of Bibliography Android With Barcode Scan
  227. Android topic on Herb & Grocery Shopping Android App
  228. Android topic on Dementia Virtual Memory App
  229. Android topic on Android Messenger App
  230. Android topic on Barbershop Service Booking App
  231. Android topic on Fitness App With Workout Diet & Motivation
  232. Android topic on Emergency Ambulance Booking App
  233. Android topic on Waste Food Management & Donation App
  234. Android topic on Doctor Appointment Booking & Live Chat App
  235. Android topic on Android Blood Donation & Blood Bank Finder
  236. Android topic on Online Driver Hiring Android App
  237. Android topic on Retail Store Inventory & POS Checkout App
  238. Android topic on Gym Trainer & Progress Tracker App
  239. Android topic on Accident Detection & Alert Android App
  240. Android topic on Android Personal Safety App
  241. Android topic on Android College Connect Chat App
  242. Android topic on Tour Recommender App Using Collaborative Filtering
  243. Android topic on Instant Plasma Donor Recipient Connector Android App
  244. Android topic on Hourly Bicycle Rental Android App
  245. Android topic on Covid Contact Tracing Android Application
  246. Android topic on Android Bookaholics Circle
  247. Android topic on Advanced CRM Android Application
  248. Android topic on Android Micro Drone With Obstacle Detector
  249. Android topic on Android Geo Fencing App for Workforce Tracking
  250. Android topic on Android College Attendance System
  251. Android topic on Android OCR Snap & Share Application
  252. Android topic on Cab Booking Android Application
  253. Android topic on Android Food order and delivery app
  254. Android topic on Currency Detector App for Visually Impaired
  255. Android topic on Android Women Safety App
  256. Android topic on Android Voice Based Train Time-Table
  257. Android topic on Voice Authentication App using Microsoft Cognitive Services
  258. Android topic on Organ Donation Android Application
  259. Android topic on Smart Home Automation System with Light Dimmer
  260. Android topic on Graphical Password Authentication for Android App using Persuasive Cued Click Point
  261. Android topic on Custom Keyboard Android App
  262. Android topic on Face Authentication App using Microsoft’s Cognitive Service
  263. Android topic on Arduino based Snake Robot Controlled using Android Application
  264. Android topic on Daily Route Planner
  265. Android topic on Friendly Map Android Application for Disabled People
  266. Android topic on Trip Planner Android Application
  267. Android topic on Android Paper Free Document Sharing App Project
  268. Android topic on Android Smart Sticky Notes Application Project
  269. Android topic on Library Management System with SMS Autoreply
  270. Android topic on Personal diary for Visually Impaired with Microsoft Cognitive Services
  271. Android topic on Image Analysis Application & Image Insight using Google’s Cloud Vision API
  272. Android topic on Traffic Rules and Traffic Signs Quiz APP
  273. Android topic on Location Finder App using Android Phone & Cloud Vision API
  274. Android topic on Zapdroid Project: Managing Used Applications on Smartphones
  275. Android topic on Android Smart Health Monitoring System
  276. Android topic on Android Auction System App Project
  277. Android topic on Vehicle Number Plate Recognition using Android
  278. Android topic on V App : E College System for Blind Students
  279. Android topic on Android Place Marker
  280. Android topic on Android Help Assistance Near Me
  281. Android topic on Canteen Automation System using Android
  282. Android topic on Home automation system
  283. Android topic on Simple Calculator
  284. Android topic on eRestaurant Online Shopping For Food
  285. Android topic on Reminder App
  286. Android topic on Android controlled robot
  287. Android topic on Quiz Application
  288. Android topic on Net classified Based Mobile App
  289. Android topic on Simple Tic-Tac-Toe
  290. Android topic on Interfacing a Laser LED with Arduino
  291. Android topic on Stopwatch
  292. Android topic on Child Safety App
  293. Android topic on To Do App
  294. Android topic on Remote AC power control
  295. Android topic on Roman to decimal converter
  296. Android topic on emedicine Prescription – Recommendation Android App
  297. Android topic on Virtual Dice Roller
  298. Android topic on Voice controlled robotic vehicle
  299. Android topic on Scientific Calculator App
  300. Android topic on EGG Production Management System
  301. Android topic on SMS App
  302. Android topic on Android password based remote door opener system
  303. Android topic on Smart Alarm Setter
  304. Android topic on Android Voice Based Train Time-Table
  305. Android topic on Car Pooling Project
  306. Android topic on Fake Call Timer
  307. Android topic on Automatic brightness control of the device
  308. Android topic on Online Matrimonial Android App
  309. Android topic on Digital Panchayat Services through Android Application
  310. Android topic on Tourist Guide Application
  311. Android topic on Building Construction Planner
  312. Android topic on Flip Image App
  313. Android topic on Where Are You – Location finder
  314. Android topic on Lost and Found System
  315. Android topic on Catering Booking Android App
  316. Android topic on Recipe App
  317. Android topic on Organ Donation Android Application
  318. Android topic on Online Food Delivery Project
  319. Android topic on Survey Land Registration System App
  320. Android topic on Movers and Packers App with tracking
  321. Android topic on Android app for Online Examination and Results System
  322. Android topic on Smart Car Parking App
  323. Android topic on Smart Home Automation System with Light Dimmer
  324. Android topic on House Rental Management App
  325. Android topic on Emergency Distress Signal (SOS)
  326. Android topic on E-bridging between the teachers and students
  327. Android topic on Graphical Password Authentication for Android App
  328. Android topic on Smart Online Examination and Result App
  329. Android topic on Location Based Garbage Management System
  330. Android topic on Blood Bank App
  331. Android topic on Custom Keyboard Android App
  332. Android topic on Music Application
  333. Android topic on Food wastage reduction android project
  334. Android topic on Online Municipality Complaint Registration and Management System
  335. Android topic on Face Authentication App using Microsoft’s Cognitive Service
  336. Android topic on Organ Donation Management App
  337. Android topic on Android Bookaholics Circle
  338. Android topic on Bicycle Rental App
  339. Android topic on Real-time OnRoad Vehicle Breakdown Help Assistance
  340. Android topic on Smart Home Lights Automation
  341. Android topic on Advanced CRM Android Application
  342. Android topic on Vehicle Number Plate Recognition App
  343. Android topic on Hospital Management System
  344. Android topic on Android Auction App
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Loan Defaulter Prediction Machine Learning Projects

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Latest Machine Learning Project with Source Code

Buy Now ₹1501

Using supervised machine learning to train a model with credit default data to determine the probability and/or classification (“default” vs “non-default”) of the user’s liability. The UI will take user input such as, such as education level, sex, marital status, payment history and income, and will return a classification.

An app like this would be useful for financial and lending institutions to understand and manage the risk of their loans and lending portfolios.



  • Determining probability of user liability
  • Creating an interactive UI that will take users input and return an output
  • To determine if a neural network vs logistic regression is the better model for classification

Models Created

  • Logistic Regression
  • Random Forest Model
  • Deep Neural Network


Probability of Credit Card Default, Machine Learning

Technologies Used : -

  • beautifulsoup4==4.6.0
  • certifi==2018.4.16
  • chardet==3.0.4
  • click==6.7
  • Flask==1.0
  • gunicorn==19.8.0
  • idna==2.6
  • itsdangerous==0.24
  • Jinja2==2.10
  • MarkupSafe==1.0
  • numpy==1.14.3
  • pandas==0.22.0
  • python-dateutil==2.7.2
  • pytz==2018.4
  • requests==2.18.4
  • scikit-learn==0.19.1
  • scipy==1.0.1
  • six==1.11.0
  • SQLAlchemy==1.2.7
  • urllib3==1.22
  • Werkzeug==0.14.1


Crime information management system Project in PHP

Online Crime Reporting System is a web based application that is developed using PHP and MySQL. The Objective of Crime Reporting System is to develop a web based application using which people can report crime online. It provides the facility of uploading images or videos of crime scenes so that police can take action immediately. It also provides the information of missing persons, most wanted criminals and safety tips for the awarness of people.

Project Objective:

The Objective of Crime Reporting System is to develop a web based application using which people can report crime online. It provides the facility of uploading images or videos of crime scenes so that police can take action immediately. It also provides the information of missing persons, most wanted criminals and safety tips for the awarness of people.

Existing System

Currently there is no online web application available to report crime online. In order to report any complains related with crime, people has to contact nearest police station. People of the particular city are not aware of crime related things such as list of Most wanted criminals of their city, latest crime related news, missing persons of their area etc..People has to view News Chanels or Read News Paper for such crime related information. Thus we can say that existing system is manual and does not provide all the information from one source.

Need For New System

In order to overcome the problems of existing system we pruposed to develop a new system . It is going to be developed in PHP and MySQL. Following are the advantages of New System:
(1) Online Crime Reporting Facility
(2) Information of Most Wanted Criminals
(3) Informaton of Missing Persons of their Area and City
(4) Address and Contact Details of Police Station of their City
(5) Latest Crime Related News and Updates
(6) Feedback to Police Stations
Thus, we can say that New System is fully dynamic and , time saving and requires less man power as compared to existing System

Brief overview of the technology:

Front end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  1. HTML: HTML is used to create and save web document. E.g. Notepad/Notepad++
  2. CSS : (Cascading Style Sheets) Create attractive Layout
  3. Bootstrap : responsive design mobile freindly site
  4. JavaScript: it is a programming language, commonly use with web browsers.

Back end: PHP, MySQL

  1. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a technology that allows software developers to create dynamically generated web pages, in HTML, XML, or other document types, as per client request. PHP is open source software.
  2. MySQL: MySql is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating, and managing data in databases.

Software Requirement(any one)

  • WAMP Server
  • XAMPP Server
  • MAMP Server
  • LAMP Server

Installation Steps

1. Download zip file and Unzip file on your local server.
2. Put this file inside “c:/xampp/htdocs/” .
3. Database Configuration
Open phpmyadmin
Create Database named crime
Import database crime.sql from downloaded folder(inside database)
4. Open Your browser put inside “http://localhost/Project Folder Name/

Admin Login

USERNAME-  admin

PASSWORD-  qwert

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