Online Assignment Submission Project on Python Django

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Online Assignment Submission Project on Python Django is a system that enable the student to submit their assignment or project online without submitting any physical file. The proposed system helps reducing and minimizing human error, capable to assist supervisors in process controlling and managing students. During lockdown its very help full project.

Functional requirements to explain

  1. identity:administrator, teacher, teaching assistant, student (each person has their own school ID number, within 10 digits, there can be letters, and everyone has a password)
  2. Administrator: issue questions, delete questions 、Teacher information management, class organization (a teaching class has a main teacher, there can be no teaching assistant, or more than one teaching assistant)
  3. Teachers: teaching assistant management (specify the teaching assistant's authority), class management, problem setting, assignment assignment, corrective assignment, statistics job completion
  4. Assistants: rights specified by the teacher to complete all or part of the work, classroom management, the question, assignments, correcting homework, work statistics completion
  5. Students: complete and submit the Assignment.

Technology Used in the project Online Assignment Submission 

  1. We have developed this project using the below technology
  2. HTML : Page layout has been designed in HTML
  3. CSS : CSS has been used for all the desigining part
  4. JavaScript : All the validation task and animations has been developed by JavaScript
  5. Python : All the business logic has been implemented in Python
  6. SQLite : SQLite database has been used as database for the project
  7. Django : Project has been developed over the Django Framework

Supported Operating System

  1. We can configure this project on following operating system.
  2. Windows : This project can easily be configured on windows operating system. For running this project on Windows system, you will have to install
  3. Python 2.7, PIP, Django.
  4. Linux : We can run this project also on all versions of Linux operating systemMac : We can also easily configured this project on Mac operating system.

Online Assignment Submission Project on Django Installation Steps :-

  1. Install Python 3.7 Or Higher
  2. Install Django version 2.2.0
  3. Install all dependencies cmd -python -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  4. Finally run cmd - python runserver

Student Login Details :

username: student@2
password: visg123456

teacher  Login Details :

username: teacher@2
password: visg123456

Admin  Login Details :

Link -
username: visg
password: visg123456

Django Project on Medical Shop Management System

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Latest Python Projects with source code

Medical Store Database Management System using Django

The main objective of the Django Project on Medical Shop Management System is to manage the details of Sells, Medicines, Stocks, Company,Inventory. It manages all the information about Sells, Medical Shop, Inventory, Sells. The project is totally built at administrative end and thus only the administrator is guaranteed the access. The purpose of the project is to build an application program to reduce the manual work for managing the Sells, Medicines, Medical Shop, Stocks. It tracks all the details about the Stocks, Company, Inventory.

Functionalities Provided By Django Project On Medical Shop Management System Are As Follows:

Dealer Management.

  • Add Dealer.
  • View Dealers.

Medicine  Management.

  • Add Medicine.
  • View Medicine.

Employees Management.

  • Add Employees.
  • View Employees.

Customers Management.

  • Add Customers.
  • View Customers

Purchase  Management.

  • New Purchase .
  • View All Purchase

Download Source Code

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Installation Steps Django Project On Medical Shop Management System

Setting up the project:

Download the project zip file. Extract it.

Install Python3 in your system. Download the latest version.

Install django in your system using the following command:

pip install Django==1.11.6

Current version is Django 2.0.9 but this project uses the older version.

You can make use of any text editor such as Sublime, Atom, Pycharm, Webstorm etc. The link for Pycharm is mentioned below: Download the community(free) version.

Open Pycharm, open the extracted project folder in Pycharm. Go to Pycharm terminal and enter the following command:

python runserver

URL routing is handled in the file: pharma/

All the functionalities such as Create, update, delete, retrieve are present in the file: pharma/

The database by default used with Django is SQLite3:

The database models are created in the file: pharma/

Iff any changes are made in the file such as adding, deleting fields or new tables, run the following two commands:

python makemigrations pharma python migrate

All the SQL queries are generated by Django implicitly. You can view the SQL commands using the following command:

python sqlmigrate pharma migration_name

"migration_name" is the file name generated during each Model file update, choose any filename from the folder and enter in the command to see the SQL commands of that update.



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Android Calculator

This Calculator app is an application developed for android cells phones and tablets. It enables the users to perform fundamental mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on their phone. Being installed on phone, it always remains with the user, helps in daily life calculations and works as a typical android calculator app.

Android Studio latest free projects with source code

Below, I have briefly described the features and scopes of Calculator Android app along with a point-wise comparison with existing calculators. You can download the source code and project files from the download links in this post. The source code is complete and error-free.

Fundamental mathematical calculations are required to be performed in every step of human life. In most of the places such as in shops, hotels, medicals, schools etc., separate calculators are used for calculation. But, these calculators, being larger in size and needing extra power, can’t be carried all the time with us. This creates the necessity of a mobile calculator which is always with us.

Since android applications are the most compatible ones and easily available, android cell phones and tablets are the most widely used devices all over the world. They offer several kinds of facilities and one of them is calculator which is fundamental application of each phone. Looking at the growing use of android phones, it can be said that a Calculator app as Android Project has good scope in today’s technological world.


The comparison between existing traditional calculators and the proposed Calculator app for Android can be done in the following points:

  1. Size: The separate calculators are larger in size due to use of own circuit board whereas android calculator is installed in cell phones.
  2. Power: A small battery power of cell phone is enough for running android calculator but traditional calculator consume comparatively higher power.
  3. Accuracy: The accuracy of both the calculators depends upon their programming. Calculators can be designed for the desired accuracy.
  4. Cost: Android Calculator, being an application, can be downloaded free of cost and installed on phone. The traditional calculators have their own hardware. As a result of this, they need to be purchased.
  5. Ease and comfort: Most of the android cell phones are of touch screen type. So, calculator app Android is easy and comfortable to use.


  • It is easy and comfortable to use.
  • The application can be easily downloaded and installed on any android cell phone and tablet.
  • It provides the facility to perform fundamental mathematical operations.
  • The application gives fast and accurate result.
  • This application consumes very small power of your cell phone.

Software Requirement

  • Android Studio  : version 3.3 latest
  • Latest Version
  • Internet Connection
  • Java

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